/ The Kellco Case /

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The Great City of Statera was never asleep. Its bustling streets and sidewalks were always glimmering with the latest innovations, and the piercing skyscrapers soared into the very clouds. It all completely overshadowed the musty, grime-filled underbelly of the city, which, for the most part, went unnoticed by the passively unaware citizen, who lived completely in bliss.

Things were different for an officer, though. Things were different when you just had to get down and dirty but still felt the need to keep up some sort of moral high ground, whatever that nonsense was. KillerCurrent, while not *technically* a cop, was one in his actions, but his status as an infamous Commissioner led people to believe otherwise.

KillerCurrent felt no need to keep distance between himself and the dirty work. Criminals in, and prisoners out. Then he would let the others in the Reddit High Commission or some other Justice Court handle the rest. He wasn't much for pencil-pushing, he was a man of action- many had come to believe was an android sent by Cyberlife.

However, perhaps his partner, Aulus79, thought differently. Actually, KC was sure that he did. He could tell how he felt just from his composure and his weak, shrunken stance. It sure came in handy when talking to the people; *humble*, they thought.

From his very first day, when he showed up in a crimped and crumpled t-shirt, and with that worried, slightly optimistic grin on his face... it was sad, really, that such a soul had been brought to this cruel and unforgiving world- his file said he was from the West. Starco? Tomkie, maybe? No matter, Statera, as "neutral" as it was, still was an ugly, rotten thing...


I was broken from my thoughts- a noise that sobered me- right into my ear. My eyes twitched as I stared coldly at the sleazy-nosed marketman that was standing behind a booth right next to me. He held an oily expression on his face as he spoke in an awkward accent, "Well, yae mister, yee think ya want some mighty fine authentic diamond necklaces and rings? I'm putting up a sale, just for this weekend! Grand Opening, and all."

"You've had a 'Grand Opening' for the last three years." I wasn't impressed.

He had some odd trinkets and possessions on him, including the obviously faux jewelry that he was speaking of and a couple of dark leather bags. I couldn't recognize him, which was troubling. I thought that I'd memorized the names and faces of everyone in the city by now...

I rolled my eyes. Lowlives like these, I despised them heavily. Always hoping to make a quick bit of coin and a nice scam, not even considering to think that someone might see past their ego.

Then again, the man did seem to recognize my empty expression, as his face immediately morphed from the warm grin of someone about to scam another fool to the faint grimacing expression one would make after being caught. I had always prepared myself for the worst in these situations. It was obvious he didn't know who I was.

Speaking as if I had done this a hundred times before, which I had, I uttered in dry humor, "Sorry sir, but I'm afraid you'll need to find a new... hobby."

I had made a few steps towards the man before a blur of silver overtook my vision. After the initial shock, smoke began fluttering. The merchant's cheeky grin was the only thing I could decipher amongst the dust, aside from his ragged clothes. Before he fully got away, I managed to toss one of my tacked trackers onto one of his bags, and it snagged almost invisibly onto his body. Although not exactly a sure fire way of finding him, the bag seemed important enough that he would keep it for a while.

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