13x12 - Various & Sundry Villains

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Castiel is in the cell waiting and contemplating. A demon walks by to check the prisoners. Lucifer is unsuccessfully trying to reach a stick in his cell with his powers. "Huh, I always thought you'd have a bigger stick" the demon mocks Lucifer.

"What's your name again?" Lucifer asks him.

"They call me Dipper"

Lucifer laughs, "And you let them? Listen, Dipper, it's not the size of the stick, it's how you use it"

"Funniest thing, I'm always hearing that from guys with...little sticks" Lucifer laughs sarcastically and grabs the cell bars. He is hit with an electrical shock and lets go with a painful grunt, "Smooth" Dipper says smugly, "We gave the warding a little kick. Just for you" Dipper exits the prison area.

"Thanks. So considerate. Appreciate that a lot." Lucifer yells after him, "You're not nice, and I don't like you. You're treating me like an everyday angel! And if I had just a little more power, I could tear this place apart! Just saying" Lucifer tests the bars again and receives another powerful shock.

"You don't have that power, and they know it" Castiel comments.

"Okay, well if somebody would be a pal and let me eat a little of her grace, I would have enough strength to get out of here and butcher that son of a bitch!" Lucifer yells into the distance.

"Well, that's a nice, horrifying plan. Little cannibalism"

"Really? I seem to remember a somebody snacking on angel grace once upon a time. There is no I in team, Castiel. I want you to remember that. Fine, whatever. I can wait. Asmodeus was my weakest creation" Lucifer comments.

"Oh, he was, was he? Doesn't seem that weak to me" Castiel tells him.

Lucifer paces his cell, "Yeah, yeah, that – that whole shape-shifty thing he does? I – I didn't give him that. But so what? The old dogs learned some new tricks. Eventually he is going to mess up. Then he's mine. Okay?"

"Excuses aside, you're saying you're too weak to overcome even your weakest creation" Castiel tells him amused.

"Shut up" Lucifer mutters dismissively.

Castiel's face break into a triumphant smile.

Castiel's face break into a triumphant smile

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Lucifer is focusing on moving the stick in his cell, "Rise. Rise. Rise. Rise"

Footsteps approach and the demon Dipper walks by. Lucifer pauses briefly to hide his actions and gives a cursory nod to the demon. The demon stops in front of Castiel's cell.

"Don't think we forgot about you. When the boss gets back, big plans for you"

Castiel sits silently, motionless. Dipper walks away as Lucifer speaks from the next cell "Oh, does he have big plans? Hey, what's that gonna be worth when Michael get here and, oh, yeah, murder us all?"

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