13x18 - Bring 'Em Back Alive

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Men Of Letters Bunker

Sam and Castiel are walking through the corridors of the bunker. Sam is carrying a tray. "Dean is in the Apocalypse world, alone?" Castiel asks Sam in disbelief.

"No, he's with Ketch, so he's not alone" Sam tells her.

"Because that makes it so much better" Castiel scoffs, shaking her head

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"Because that makes it so much better" Castiel scoffs, shaking her head.

"Cas, he wanted to go solo"

"And you let him?"

"I...He didn't give me much of a choice. Anyways, Dean's right. As long as he's over there, and we're here, we need to be taking care of Gabriel, getting him right again" Sam tells her. They enter one of the bedrooms. It's in darkness, so Castiel turns on the light, "Gabriel?"

Gabriel is huddled into a corner of the room. He is still in torn, bloody clothing. And his face is bruised and battered, not healing. "You didn't tell me it was this bad" Castiel tells Sam, staring at Gabriel in shock.

"Yeah, well, years of isolation and torture and Asmodeus draining his grace. Come here. Help me out" Sam and Castiel walk over to Gabriel. Sam puts down the tray he is carrying, "Hey, Gabriel. Hey, pal"

Gabriel recoils in terror as Sam touches him, "Mm! okay. Oh – just...gonna get you to bed, all right? Let me, uh, help you up. It's okay. It's okay" Sam and Castiel assist Gabriel onto the bed. He is trembling in abject terror. "It's okay. Gabriel, it's Sam Winchester. Do you remember me?"

"I don't think he does" Castiel tells Sam, quietly.

"Remember the video you sent to my brother Dean Winchester and me after you...supposedly died? You told us how to stuff Lucifer back in the cage" Sam tries to spike some recognition in him but gets nothing.

"Sam, he doesn't..." Castiel tries again but Sam cuts her off.

"I know he doesn't. I'm just... trying to see if anything's going on in his head. All right, well..." Sam lifts the lid of the tray to reveal a tube with angel grace in it, "Gabriel's grace. Ketch brought it. Maybe if he's juiced up, it'll help" Sam offers the grace to Gabriel, "All right"

Gabriel groans and recoils from Sam, "Mnh"

"Sam, I don't think he's gonna open up and let the choo-choo in" Sam gives Cas a look of disbelief and Cas thinks Sam didn't understand her, so she explains, "A technique for feeding recalcitrant children. And...I think a little coercion may be necessary"

Sam and Cas try to hold Gabriel down, but he starts freaking out, yelping like an injured animal, and then rushes to another corner of the room to try to get away from them. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey! Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Gabriel is whimpering in the corner as Sam and Cas looks dismayed and startled by how Gabriel is reacting to them.


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