Chapter 32: Cry Me A River...

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🎶I see you driving downtown with the girl I love and I'm like, forget you🎶

Chapter 32


right there, standing right in front of me. My beautiful, perfect Sapphire. And she was kissing another guy. I felt my heart break...shatter into tiny pieces. I felt my eyes start to water, and I fought to keep back the tears.

"Saph?" I asked quietly. She spun around, looking shocked to see me. I saw something else in her eyes...regret. But I didn't pay any attention to that.

"I never thought you'd do that. Ever." I murmered, my tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. The guy she was kidding stepped forward, sneering. Definitely not a nice guy, by the looks of him. And the fact he just kissed Saph.

"Well I guess she liked it, she kissed back!" He told me, looking smug. My mind was spinning...this wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening. The girl I loved, the girl who is my world....this couldn't happen. I closed my eyes, struggling to keep the tears in, and turned on my heels. I ran out of the 'welcome cabin', running wherever my feet would take me. I tried to concentrate on anything...anything except Sapphire. I plugged my earbuds into my iPod, cranking the volume and pressing 'shuffle'. 'Cry me a river' came on. The same Michael buble song that played only a few days ago. The song I had kissed Saph to. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let it all out...all the tears I had been holding in poured down. I didn't care...I didn't care about anything. I probably sound like a huge softy, but you wouldn't know. You've never had someone you loved with everything you have in you, cheat on you. It hurt. I Yanked the earbuds from my ears, for once in my life I didn't want to listen to Michael Buble. I ran straight back to cottage 3. Praying that Saph wasn't there...I wasn't ready to face her yet.

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