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3rd POV

The Red lion flew away.

Everyone looked at each other in suprise.

It was silent.

Allura was the first to speak.

"Coran! Open the comms! We need to reach that traitor immediately!"

Pidge snaps her head at Allura in anger.

"Traitor? He didn't do anything to betray us! You're just a salty ass bitch who can't get over their prejudice!" Pidge screams in rage.

Allura argued.

"He could be traitor for all we know! He probably was working for Zarkon! Galra can't be trusted!"

"Princess, it seems like he deactivated his comms." Coran says

Allura doesn't pay attention to Coran.

"Then how come you trust Kolivan? And the other blades? Why not Keith? Please, do inform me, princess." Pidge fires back.

Allura looks down muttering something.

"Sorry what was that?" Pidge says.

"He took the red lion from me." Allura says louder in embarrassment.

Pidge glares at her.

"Seriously? That's it? You're so...so stupid! You know the lions! They pick who they want! He never took it away from you! It was barely yours to begin  with! They only connection you had with it was your dad and we both know that he's long gone. He would not be proud of you. And he certainly would not like the way of how you act." Pidge growls.

Allura's eyes widened. Mixed emotions going through her. She opened her mouth then closed it, knowing she didn't win. Allura slowly walks out.

Pidge just glares the whole time until Allura fully left.

One of the other paladins started to speak.

"Pidge, don't you think you went to far?"

"She deserves it. She needs to get off her high horse Hunk."

Hunk nods slowly not saying anything else.

Pidge turns to Shiro who was still standing in shock.

"Shiro, you okay?"

Shiro finally looks over to Pidge.



Shiro's POV

I...I messed up. No, I fucked up.


Pidge walks over to me.

"Shiro don't worry, we will get him back."

I look at her.

"But what if doesn't want to come back?" I weakly say.

"What if never trusts me again?"

Pidge's face turns sympathetic.

"You love him don't you?"

I nod.

Lance and Hunk come into view.

"Don't worry buddy we'll help you."

"Yeah! We'll make sure you guys finally become a couple!"

I blush.

"I...I uh..what..?

Pidge smirks.

"You don't have to hide it dude. You already said you love him."

I smile.

"Alright then. Operation: let's get Keith back."

So that was the chapter for today folks.

Sorry for not staying on schedule and for the multiple apologies.

I didn't know what to do this time but here ya go.

Anyways, happy holidays guys, gals, and nonbinary pals.


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