Eerie figure

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Why is it so cold?

Derek opened his eyes and glanced around his bedroom. It was currently dark outside, the wind blowing through the open window. Derek groggily turned towards his nightstand, seeing that it was 3:15 in the morning. With a soft grunt, Derek climbed out of bed and walked towards the window, and he placed both hands on the window and slid it shut.

"Figures..." Derek mumbled as he looked around for a moment, before he suddenly paused as he started at his refelction in the tall mirror that leaned against the wall. Standing behind him, was a man wearing a red and green sweater and a fedora, and he appeared to be smirking at Derek as he slowly raised a gloved hand with knives attached to the ends.

"Look how much you've grown, Derek." Derek gasped as he wheeled around, hands curled into fists though to his surprised no one was behind him. Though he could hear the figure laughing cruelly in his ears.

Derek growled and he shook his head and he opened his eyes again before he turned back to the mirror and he frowned lightly as he saw that the figure was gone.

Who the hell was that?

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