Dance of broken glass part 1

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*I really recommend listening to this song while reading this chapter. :D *

Derek felt as if he had gotten ran over by a truck when he had awoken the next morning. With a soft groan, he sat up straight and looked around. Adam was also beginning to wake up and he started sneezing hysterically after he breathed in a cloud of dust.

"Uhh....I feel dead." Eric said as he sat up and started stretching. He glanced at Adam tiredly before he started moving automatically to start packing.

Twins Kenny and Jenny woke up next, Kenny had some sawdust caked on his left cheek and it settled in his hair, making him look as if he aged six years. Jenny rotated her head left and right to work the stiffness out of her neck.

"Iz everyone alright? No one got attacked?" Emil asked as he pulled his sneakers back onto his feet. Everyone started checking themselves cautiously, and so far everyone was fine except for a few minor scrapes from the floor.

Derek tensed up when he heard the sound of a car pulling up in front of the house and he got down on his stomach and crawled towards the broken window. A glance outside showed Mr. Phillips coming out of a black sedan, followed closely by two police vans. Beautiful.
"Fuck. Guys, we have to get going. We got company." Derek said as he quickly moved from the window before he could be seen. Eric, being the quick thinker, passed out everyone's bags before he slung his over his shoulders.

"In the basement. The secret passage that we found months ago that leads back into town towards school." Eric said as he quickly strides towards the basement. The girls followed after him, being careful not to step too heavily on the rotting wooden floor.

Viktor, Emil, Derek, Samäel and Adam were now the only ones left. Viktor barely flinched when the police started banging on the door. A glance at Emil and both boys took off towards the basement, being closely behind by the others. Derek's left foot barely touched the first step of the basement staircase when he heard the front door break down, followed by the loud crash of glass and splintered wood flying everywhere.

"Shit!" Derek said silently and he quickly closed the door, locked it, and he barricaded the door by sliding a long plank of wood into the door. He quickly ran down the stairs, being careful not to bump into Samäel.

"Guys, hurry!" Viktor yelled just as he disappeared through a giant hole in the wall. Adam ushered Samäel through, and once Derek was through he grabbed a large portrait and he walked into the passage as he covered up the hole, and took off running.


Samäel pulled a flashlight out and he turned it on. " the hell did they find out where we were?" He asked as he faced Derek, and he lightly brushed his hair away from his ocean blue eyes.

"I have the feeling Rachel ratted us out. Damn it...." Adam said as he looked around their surroundings, his nose wrinkling from the damp smell of the earth around them. Sasha stayed behind to wait for Derek and when she saw him, she immediately walked over and hugged him lightly.

"Wouldn't be surprised. She better pray that I don't see her traitorous fucking ass." Derek said as he wrapped his arm around Sasha, and he looked behind him, listening cautiously. So far, all he heard was their footsteps. Though he knew that they had a long way ahead of them, considering how far their once safe house is.

"Well, we have to continue heading forward. Unless we want to get captured and forced to fight the police." Adam stated and they continued walking through the tunnel. Derek followed, his footsteps light and nearly silent. He frowned lightly and placed his hand on his forehead as he felt it start throbbing and he nearly paused when an image flashed in his head. It was a flashback that showed his bedroom when he was a kid, and it focused on the picture on his desk of him, and his mother while he held Emily when she was barely a few months old.

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