Disasterous Fight

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The bell rung to end the first class of the day, and Derek was in the process of putting his books in his bag when Eric immediately grabbed him and hustled him out of the room. Derek had to slightly trot so he wouldn't trip or get tangled in Eric's quick footsteps.

"James is coming, we gotta get-" Eric said quickly until a taunting voice interrupted him.

"Where you going Krueger?  Going to go look for Daddy with the wannabe detective!" James shouted as he and a few other boys shoved their way over to Derek and Eric, a smug smirk plastered on his tanned face, and his friends laughed beside him.

Derek was about to walk away with Eric until he noticed that the students who are always waiting for a fight to happen had surrounded them in a circular crowed. Just great...

"Shove off, Phillips." Eric snapped as he glared at the taller boy, though James only shoved him to the ground, and Eric fell on his back with a loud thud. Derek frowned and was about to help Eric up when James pulled him up by the collar of his shirt.

"What'cha gonna do about it Krueger? Come on, fight me, demon spawn. Fight me!" James yelled as he started tossing Derek around. Derek stumbled and tried to rush at James only for him to kick him in the stomach and pin him to the lockers. Students were screaming, half of them trying to break up the fight, others wanting it to continue.

"Maybe I should just finish you off and save Freddy Krueger the trouble of killing you! No one wants you around, you fucking demon!" James yelled as he grasped onto Derek's neck and started trying to choke the life out of the boy.

Derek choked and gasped as he frantically clawed at James's hands, trying hard to breathe. He slowly started to lose consciousness when a voice filtered into his ears.

"Derek....go for the throat."

What? Go..for the throat? Derek thought hazily as his life started to flash before his eyes.

"Kid you're going to die! Damn it, kick him in the throat!" The voice growled before fading.

Derek's eyes snapped open and turned a vibrant shade of red. With a loud yell, he gathered as much strength as he could and he managed to kick James in the chest, catching the bigger boy off guard and loosen his grip on his neck. He took this chance to slip away, though he found that his body seemed to be moving on its own. He advanced on James and karate chopped him in the throat, making James fall to his knees, gagging and struggling to breathe.

Derek kicked James in the face, and a wide smirk spread on his face when he heard a loud crack and the gush of crimson red come from the redhead's nose.

"What on earth is going on here?!" A loud voice demanded and Derek froze and wheeled around, seeing that the principal was now marching over with a few security guards. The crowed immediately dispatched, with only a few other students staying behind.

Derek closed his eyes and he groaned softly as a headache started forming before he opened them again. His eyes turning back to his normal green. The principal was kneeling next to James who was still on the ground holding his nose, and glaring at Derek. Though before Derek could say anything, the principal stood up and faced him, a look of cold fury on his face.

"You. In my office. Now." He snarled as he helped James up off the floor and started escorting him to the nurse's office.


"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" The principal yelled as he glared at Derek who was now sitting in front of his desk. Derek stared at him with no interest on his slightly bruised face. He had a cut lip and a bruised cheek from being shoved into the locker, his neck was also brusied from where James had grabbed him.

"I was defending myself from your so called innocent little angel." Derek said as he crossed his arms over his chest.


"He attacked Eric! He's the one you should be punishing!" Derek snapped as he glared at the principal in front of him. He was slowly counting the chances of the principal suddenly falling dead from a heart attack. So far, it was a 50/50 chance.

Before the principal could say anything further, there was a knock on the door and Raven stepped in. Derek glanced at his mother just as she started to shoo him out of the office.

Once Derek was out, Raven faced the principal. Her icy blue eyes staring into his soul. "What do you think you're doing yelling at my son?" She asked, her voice matching her icy stare.

"Mrs. Kreuger, your son attacked another student."

"Who just so happens to be your nephew, Mr. Phillips." Raven snarled as she glared at the man in front of her.

"R-Raven please. I know that-"

"You better not discipline my son for defending himself. You do know who my husband is, and he has his ways of knowing when Derek is being harrassed. And you know he will take care of them himself." That did it. Raven said the magic words. She watched with satisfaction as the principal's face drained of all color and immediately grip at his side.

"Yes, ma'am....he won't be in any trouble..." The principal muttered as he looked down begrudingly. Raven, nods and she turned and walked out of the office.


The drive home was uncomfortably silent. Derek avoided eye contact with his mother as he sat in the front of her van. "Derek...you can't keep letting these boys get to you.....no matter how much they push at you." Raven said in a gentle tone as she looked over at the teenager.

"He put his hands on Eric mom. He also started to attack me....what else was I supposed to do?" Derek stated as he finally looked at his mother.

"We'll talk about it later, Derry...." Raven said as she kept her focus on the road. Derek frowned and he thought a while before he decided to risk it all and ask the one question that was bothering him.

"....Mom? Who was me and Emily's dad?" He asked only to get no answer whatsoever.

"Nice work Derry. Sometimes you amaze me, kid."

Derek frowned and gripped his head lightly as the voice came back to him, along with the slight headache that came with it.

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