Dance of broken glass part 2

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After Freddy said that, everything happened so fast. The police fired at Freddy who reacted as if nothing was happening and he ran at them, blades out and he swiped at Mr. Phillips, shredding the man's shirt and his side. The principal went down, arm tightly wrapped around his side as he yelled in agony. Freddy then leaped towards the officers, managing to grab one by the collar before he stabbed his gloved hand through the officer's stomach, blood immediately soaking the dark blue fabric.

Derek scrambled to his feet and he looked over his shoulder, his blood boiled when he saw that James had taken hold of Jenny and was now holding a knife to her throat. "Don't you fucking dare!" He yelled as he ran forward, making use of his newfound teleportation. Before James could react, Derek tackled him down and he started punching him in the face, breaking his nose once again. James tried to shield himself, though Derek was much faster. Derek used his claws and he stabbed them through his chest in his fit of rage. Blood splashed on his face, and in front of his clothes.

Eric was holding his own against a larger jock, quickly dodging the swings from the bat. Eric took out his pepper spray and he held it in front of his face and pushed down on the trigger. There was a loud hiss and Eric watched as a white substance sprayed in the jock's face, the larger boy went down screaming and holding his face. "Haha! Ghost peppers, I freaking love ya!" Eric laughed as he pocketed his weapon before he ran off to help Jenny.

Emil and Viktor were both wrestling against two other boys, before Viktor went down under swinging bats. Emil growled and he threw a couple of daggers, watching as they embedded into their necks and as they went down, choking on their own blood. "Zcat, Viktor!" He said. Viktor got up, favoring his shoulder and he moved away from the fight.

Derek got away from James and started running towards Freddy. However, he felt something grab his ankle, resulting in him falling on the ground. Wheeling around, he saw Mr. Phillips gripping his ankle, and in his other hand, was a pocket knife. Derek kicked roughly, managing to get his foot free and he kicked him in the face, snapping his head upwards from the force. Though Mr. Phillips recovered and he tackled Derek and he tried to stab him.

"Derek, move your head!"

Derek turned his head to the left, and shut his eyes when Freddy tackled Mr. Phillips off of him, and he flinched when he heard the sound of ripping flesh and muscle, followed by Mr. Phillips choking and blood falling on the ground with dripping sounds until it was silent.

"Oh fuck...oh God...." Eric murmured before he started gagging and he quickly turned away, trying to focus on keeping his insides from forcing their way up his throat.

Derek opened his eyes and looked over, seeing his principal laying on the ground, his throat ripped open, a pool of blood underneath him. Freddy turned to face Derek, and he walked towards him. He grabbed Derek and pulled him up to his feet.

"I honestly thought you slashers would be used to seeing a dead body." Freddy said as he glanced at Eric in time to see him now leaning over, practically throwing his guts up.

Derek wrinkled his nose and turned to face everyone else. The remaining athletes were gone, everyone was mostly okay except for minor cuts and a few bruises here and there. Sasha was checking on Jenny, while Adam was busy staring at James' corpse, before he kicked his head for good measure.

"...What's going to happen to them now? Since I'm now stuck going back with you to the dream realm...." Derek said as he looked up at Freddy, just realizing that his father seemed to be taller than he was. Freddy looked back at Derek, and he placed his hand on his head, gently messing up his hair.

"I'm allowing you to stay here. Your little gang here needs their leader don't they? When the time comes, I'll come back for you, your sister and mother. What, you don't want to leave your old man now?" Freddy said with a wide smirk.

Derek narrowed his eyes at Freddy and he pushed his hand off head, and picked up his fedora that had fallen off his head. "No. I'm not five, I don't need you following me around." He said defensively as he put his fedora back on.

Freddy groaned and he pushed Derek's fedora down lightly, resulting the hat to become off center and slightly shift so that it was now covering his face. "Cut the attitude Derek. I feel like I'm listening to Raven." He said as he opened up a portal back to the dream realm. Derek moved the fedora back onto his head and he watched as Freddy stepped through the portal and disappeared from sight.


"Vhat zhould ve do about the bodiez? Think ve zhould cremate them?" Emil asked as he and Viktor started piling the dead together.

"Nah, no one will look for them. Hardly anyone knows about this tunnel. We'll just leave them here. They aren't worthy of being cremated nor buried. Let nature do its job." Samäel said as he placed a bandage on his cheek above his eye.

"Derek? You okay?" Sasha asked when she saw that Derek was frozen in place, still staring where Freddy had left. She cautiously walked over to him, and she placed her hand on his shoulder.
Derek snapped out of his thoughts and he turned around to face Sasha. He stared at her for a moment, until he nods when he proccessed her question.

"Yeah...I'm fine. Just shaken up from killing James and nearly getting killed again." Derek said as he glanced down, he unclenched his fist, watching the small blades retract into the glove. "We need to keep moving before those jocks come back with the entire police force. Also we have Rachel to deal with." He said as he started walking, stepping over dead bodies.

Adam watched Derek and he frowned lightly at how he was acting. It wasn't like Derek to sound so....dead. The way he was moving made it seem that he was barely alive.

Derek....hopefully Kreuger didn't corrupt you damn it...

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