Turning Point

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"Derek!" Derek glanced up in time for Raven to run over and wrap her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug which nearly took the air out of him. Derek became statue still and he looked down, before he slowly hugged her back.

Derek gently pulled away from Raven and he looked around before he saw Emily drawing with two other adults that he didn't recognize. "Father!" Emil yelled, startling the man next to Emily and he looked up and he tilted his head in response. "Hallo, Emil. You don't have to yell...."

Huh...so that's Emil's and Viktor's parents. Their father doesn't seem to talk that much... Derek thought as he ran his hand through his hair. He then looked at Emily and he walked over to see what she was drawing. Emily glanced at Derek and she placed her pencil down and showed the paper to him.

"What are you drawing, Emi?" Derek asked as he sat down and he ruffled up her hair.

"It's supposed to be Daddy..." Emily said as she looked down. Derek tilted his head as he looked at the drawing until he recognized the knived glove. He looked back at Emily, seeing the look of hopelessness on her face. "...I know that Daddy is a bad person...but do you think that he would hurt us?" Emily asked as she looked up at Derek with her wide blue eyes. Derek became silent and he sighed softly as he  messed with the visor of his fedora.

"....He won't. I encountered him many times...he won't hurt you. If he tries anything, I'll take care of him." Derek said as he gave Emily a reassuring smile and he ruffled up her hair again.

Sasha walked over and she lightly tapped Derek on his shoulder. "I have to show you where you'll be staying." She said softly, catching Derek's attention. Without another word, Sasha turned and walked off, and Derek watched as she disappeared up the stairs.

"Don't worry about Sasha, Derek. She just cares about you....she's afraid that you would turn out like Freddy...." Mr. Arlovoska said as he came over to Derek and he knelt down beside him. Derek frowned with distaste and he stood up, pressing his lips together. Though instead of speaking, he stood up and followed after Sasha silently.

She thinks I'm going to turn out like my dad.... Derek thought as he felt anger begin to boil inside of him. He didn't understand. Why was she thinking that he was going to turn bad? He automatically looked up to see Sasha waiting for him by an open door. She was avoiding eye contact with him.

"Derek....I'm sorry." Sasha finally said when she noticed that he was standing in front of the stairs. She looked up at him, and he saw that she seemed to have been crying.

"I heard dad tell you that I fear you turning into Krueger....I know that you won't turn into him, but how can I know that if you do turn bad that you won't hurt us?" She asked, and Derek felt his eyebrow twitch with annoyance at her question. Now he was mildly irritated.

"Because I won't. If I turn bad then kill me. Take care of everyone if that time comes." He stated blandly as he walked into the room and he pulled his glove and fedora off, placing them down on the dresser. Derek placed his hands on the wooden surface, and he was hunchdd over as his heart rammed against his chest.

Sasha walked towards Derek, and she gently wrapped her arms around him before resting her head against his back. Derek tensed up and he glanced over his shoulder to look at Sasha before he turned around and he brought her closer to him.

"I love you, Derek..."

-Timeskip brought to you by wild Emil and Viktor chibis running across the page-

Around midnight, the teens and Emily have fallen asleep, leaving the parents sitting around the dining room table talking quietly amongst themselves.

"We have to do something....too many people know about Derek being a halfling." Mr. Arlovoska said as he glanced over the table at Raven who was busy staring at her hands.

"But what can we do? We disbanded the  original slashers a long time ago. Mostly everyone knows our faces, our kids have taken our name and made it their own. We can't go back to how we've used to." Adam's father said as he adjusted his hipster like glasses on his face.

"We can all relocate to a different state," Mrs. Arlovoska offered as she brushed her ember colored hair off her shoulders. "I mean...Lyra and her parents relocated to Haddonfield...maybe it's time that we all move out of Springwood to another location."

"Anya, that kind of represents zhe same problem. Emil and Viktor said zhat a girl named Rachel knows about zhem and about Derek. If ve all move away at zhe same time people vill be suspicious of our vhereabouts." Emil's father said as he took another espresso shot to stay awake.

Raven sighed silently as she continued to look down. She felt as if there was a dark cloud looming over her. If the police discover that we all left would also be bad. They'll put out warrants and  won't stop searching for us.... She thought until she heard a soft laugh and she immediately looked up in slight shock.

Maybe they won't stop searching while you're still alive. Though what if they believed that you're all dead? Freddy's voice asked with an almost seductive tone, which still made Raven's face turn red.

Haven't heard from you in a long time. Though what are you saying? We fake our deaths? How is that even going to be possible? She asked while she kept her attention to the wall.

Believe me sugar. It's very easy to make death look like a suicide....that is if you know the right tricks. I just need you to do something in order for it to look real.

And that is? Raven questioned as she slightly grinded her teeth together, already not liking where this was headed.

You're going to have to draw some blood or get fake blood, wearing clothes that you don't use anymore and make them look as if you got stabbed in multiple areas. Make sure to have those specific areas darker than where blood usually spreads to make it look real.

Also, I'm going to need for Derek to bring me into the real world. See you later, my darling~

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