Normal Morning

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"Derry!" Emily yelled as she saw her older brother slink down the stairs with  a worn out look on his face. His dark ginger hair was hanging in his eyes as he looked towards the six year old.

"Hey, Em...sleep well?" Derek asked as he stopped in front of his little girl and he knelt down and gently tucked her pink blouse into her white shirt. "Tuck your tail in, little wolf." He said with a soft laugh.

"Yeah, because you know...I was told to take that...sleeping pill because of the weird dreams I've been having." Emily said as she skipped towards the kitchen where Derek heard his mother humming to herself.

Sleeping pill? Hypnocil? Derek wondered as he followed after his sister. Derek straightened out his band shirt as he walked towards the cabinet and started pulling a bowl out. "Hey mom, what's the name of that pill Em has to take now? Is it so she could go to sleep or is it for her dreams?" He asked over his shoulder.

Raven glanced towards Derek as she held her cell phone to her ear and she carried a box of cereal in her other hand. "Hypnocil, darling. Why do you ask?" She responded as she placed the cereal down on the table. Emily reached for the cereal only for the box to tip over and rainbow colored cereal spilt everywhere.

Derek bit his cheek to keep himself from laughing and he walked towards his sister and he started picking up the box and poured the cereal into his sister's bowl. Raven pocketed her phone and took out a broom and dust pan from the closet and started cleaning up the cereal.

"No reason...I was just wondering. I just didn't know that her doctor perscribed Hypnocil." Derek said as he put the box away and picked up an apple from a bowl on the counter. He was half tempted to tell Raven about the figure from last night, though he decided against it. It was too early in the morning to get his mother all worked up over a stupid dream.

Without another word, he walked out of the kitchen and started out the front door.


"Hey Krueger!" Derek jumped in his desk as he heard a loud voice yell his name. He turned around and saw his friend Eric waving him over. Derek rolled his eyes and got up from his desk and strode towards the raven haired boy.

"What's happening, curse boy?" Eric asked smugly as he jokingly punched Derek's arm.

"Nothing much. When are you going to stop calling me 'curse boy'? Just because I'm living over on elm street doesn't mean it's cursed." Derek said as he sat at the lab table Eric was currently at.

"Until you actually move away from that place. And then James will stop harrassing you and singing that stupid nursery rhyme every time he sees you.

1~ 2~ Freddy's coming for you~" He said in a sing songy voice only for Derek to laugh and roll his emerald green eyes.

"That's the reason everyone avoids me like the plauge? They all think that guy Freddy Krueger is going to come after me?" He said through his laughter.

"I wouldn't laugh about that've heard about his story...he is a dream demon, and will murder you in your sleep." Eric said with a slight shudder.

"Eric. You're forgetting something. I live with a gothic mother who loves scary movies and reads about paranormal stuff. I'm not afraid of this so called dream demon." Derek said as he started taking out his chemistry text book.

Eric stared at Derek nervously before he shrugged and followed suit. Derek quickly scribbled notes as his teacher talked for the majority of the class hour...occassionally pausing to give his hand a break. With a soft sigh, he started stretching just as he felt a ball of paper hit him in the side of the head.

Derek frowned and he looked down where the paper landed beside his shoes and he looked around curiously. Though no one was paying attention to him. He shrugged and continued working until he felt another paper ball hit him. This time, Derek wheeled around and saw James, one of the popular boys in his class smirking at him. Derek frowned and he made a quick, yet crude gesture at him and continued working.

Looks like this is going to be a very long Monday....

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