Heated heart and Frozen Fear

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*A bit of smut. You have been warned. If you don't want to read it, scroll down until you see this ~~~ Otherwise, enjoy!*

Derek let out a sharp gasp when he woke up, and he felt someone jump away from him. Turning towards the left, he saw Emily backpeddling away from him, dropping a bowl of water and a white towel that was stained red with blood. He glanced around, seeing that he was inside an abandoned room. Oh...the safe house... Derek thought and he ran his hand through his hair.
"Mom's here too....it was her idea to come here after she learned that the police and that mean guy were coming after you." Emily said as she looked up at her older brother. Derek glanced at Emily and he saw that she seemed paler than usual, her hair slightly messy.

"Emily?" Derek and Emily looked towards the door, seeing Sasha now standing in the doorway. When Sasha saw him awake, she walked over and she hugged Derek lightly, which threw him off guard.

"Your mother needs to speak to you, Emily." Sasha said as she turned her attention back to the little girl. Emily nods and she turned and walked out of the room, closing the old wooden door behind her. Sasha then turned to face Derek, who had gone slightly pink around the cheeks and ears from her hug.

"Derek...I...I was so worried about you...I thought Freddy killed you..." Sasha said as she looked at him. This was the first time Derek has ever seen Sasha this upset. She was one of the strongest people he knew. Derek hesitated before he gently placed his hand on her cheek.

"Sasha?" Derek asked, though before he could say anything else, she crawled onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Derek...I...I love you, you fucking nerd." Sasha said as she kissed him with a gentle forcefulness that Derek knows so well. Derek placed his hands on her waist, being extremely careful because of her scars, before he moved his hands up her back, bringing her closer.

Sasha gently nibbled at Derek's bottom lip, once again, catching him off guard. Though there was no way he was going to be dominated. He smirked and playfully pressed his lips together just to give her a hard time. "Derek..." Sasha said a bit annoyed, though this time it was her turn to be surprised. Derek pulled away and he started kissing her neck, ocassionally biting her pale skin. Sasha mewled and she removed her arms from his neck and started taking her shirt off as she lightly rubbed against him.

Derek honestly felt that his face was practically on fire. He started sucking and biting her collarbone until he created a love bite. Sasha moaned in Derek's ear as she ran her fingers of her right hand through his hair, while her left hand started wandering downward, before sliding up his shirt. Derek shivered and slightly flinched from her touch out of instinct.

"Didn't know you worked out, Derry." Sasha said as she smiled at him. Derek blushed a crimson red and he only kissed her in response. Sasha adjusted against his lap, before she got comfortable enough and started grinding against him.

Derek grunted softly, as he broke the kiss and stared at Sasha, his emerald eyes a slightly darker shade. Sasha smirked at Derek in response as she moaned into his ear, which sent a chill down his spine.

"Hey Derek, are you-HERREGUD!" Emil yelped when he came in, startling Derek and Sasha. Derek took his sweater off and immediately pulled it onto Sasha, while she pulled her hands out of his shirt. Both of their faces dark red.

"Uh...I..um...your..m-mother haz to zpeak to you....zhe zaid it vas important..." Emil said, keeping his gaze averted from them as he walked back out.

Sasha and Derek looked at each other, speechlessly until Derek coughed awkawrdly.

"Moment ruined?" Derek asked as he looked up at her. She only nodded in response.

"Thought so..."


When Derek entered the kitchen, the first thing he saw Emily sitting across from Raven, and he saw that she had a look of fear in her eyes, which put him on edge. "Mom? What's wrong?" He asked as he walked over. Raven looked up at Derek and she frowned lightly.

"...I feel that you and your sister have the right to know about your father..." Raven said as she maintained eye contact with him. Derek frowned as he sat down beside Emily, and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I...first encountered him when I was a freshman in college. He...was...my stalker for a while because he always liked getting a reaction out of me. I honestly thought he was just some random weird person at college so I didn't pay much attention to him. During the fall, I started a relationship with him, despite everyone telling me not to because I didn't believe a single word they told me about him. Well...a few months later, I married him and shortly after was pregant. That was when I discovered who he really was. Freddy Krueger was the man that I ended up marrying, and having you and your sister...." Raven said as she looked down and looked as if she was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry...I should have told you and Emily about your father a long time ago..." Derek frowned and he stood up, he felt dead, though at least now he had the truth.

He was Freddy Kreuger's son...just like the dream demon has told him. "I...I have to go..." Derek murmured as he looked down and headed into the living room. He looked up and saw the rest of the Slashers sitting around looking almost forelone until he came in.

"I can't believe it...you being related to that psycho..." Rachel said as she glared at Derek as if he was an unwelcomed animal. Derek frowned and suddenly he felt rage.

"Rache, don't blame Derek. We didn't even know until the fight and Raven telling us. This isn't Derek's fault." Kenny said as he looked at Rachel.

"Well how do we know that he isn't planning on going to Krueger and teaming up with him?! He can possibly kill us all!" Rachel said as she took out a pocket knife and stood up as she started walking towards Derek.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Rachel, calm down!" Eric yelled as he and Adam immediatelt got to their feetz getting ready to fight if needed.

"Look, I'm sorry that you guys got pulled into this mess! I'm sorry that we are now on the run from authorites! I'm sorry I'm the son of a fucking serial killer dream demon hell bent on killing us! I never asked for any of this! I never wanted you guys to get involved like this!" Derek snapped as he ran forwards and he snatched the knife from Rachel and tossed it away. Everyone was staring at him, different expressions of worry, slight fear and anger on their faces.

"If it makes anyone feel better, I'll just go. Though if anyone wishes to stay with me and help me fight my dad, then stay. Anyone who wants to leave are free to do so. Though remember this. Once a Slasher, you're always a Slasher." Derek said as he turned and walked off, brushing off Sasha when she tried to put her hand on his shoulder and he walked outside, pulling his fedora onto his head.

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