On the run Part 1

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Derek and Adam ran through the woods, matching footsteps so they won't get caught or left behind by one another. Derek was behind, while Adam was in front, sprinting like a track and field all-star. Derek's head was throbbing, and he gripped his head in slight agony. Though he couldn't be bothered with that now. They had to escape being arrested.

"Shit!" Adam yelled as a thin branch whapped him in the face, scraping the skin from his cheek, resulting in a thin cut below his eye.

A loud echoing bang sounded throughout the woods and tree bark exploded around Derek's head. Derek wheeled around and saw that one of the officers had taken out his revolver and was aiming it straight at him. Derek started sprinting to keep up with Adam and he quickly tapped his left hand as he ran in a zigzag formation.

"We're almost there Derek, we just have to find a way to distract them!" Adam said as he followed after Derek, his arms pumping by his side.

Before Derek could say anything, there was another bang, and immediately a seering pain shot through Derek's left shoulder. He let out a loud yell of pain as he gripped his shoulder. Crimson red blood blossoming through his shirt, and staining his palm.  Panting heavily, he continued running. Though luck wasn't on his side, he tripped over an overgrown tree root and fell forward, landing on his injured shoulder. He banged his head against a tree trunk. Derek let out a low moan of pain as his vision began to grow blurry.

"Derek? Derek! Come on Derek, get up!" Adam yelled as he lightly shook him. He swore under his breath and picked him up in a Fireman's carry before he ran off.


"Awh hell kid. What the fuck did he do to you?" Derek groaned in response as he started to wake up. He found himself in a dark room, laying on a bed. He started to sit up when a gloved hand stopped him. Derek looked up and saw Freddy sitting beside him, his normally cruel expression was replaced with a worried on. It almost made him look human.

"What? Freddy....what's going on?" Derek murmured as he placed his hand on his injured shoulder, only to look at it and saw that it was wrapped with bandages.

"Well, you got shot, tripped on a damn tree, hit your head, knocking yourself  dead unconscious. Don't worry, your friend Adam took you to that little hideout all of you hang out at. So as of right now you're safe." Freddy said as if he said it every day.

Derek frowned and he sat up straight, he pushed Freddy's hand off his shoulder. "Don't touch me." He snapped as he ran his fingers through his hair. Freddy stared at Derek surprised before he frowned and flicked Derek on his forehead.

"Don't give me that crap, Derek. I honestly wish you didn't have Raven's damn attitude. Though at least you look like me." That did it. Derek tackled Freddy and he held him by the collar of his sweater.

"I look nothing like you, Kreuger! You are nothing to me!" Derek snarled as his eyes flickered to a crimson color. Freddy smirked and he easily pulled Derek off him and he stood up.

"Oh? Maybe you should look more into that. We have the same eyes, Derek. You have the same hair as me before I became what I am now." Freddy said as he appeared behind Derek and he gently ran his knived fingers through Derek's hair.

"FREDDY KREUGER!" Both Derek and Freddy turned around, seeing Eric come in with Adam, and the rest of the Slashers. Emil's eyes were flashing with rage.

"Seems like you all came to save your little friend~ Well you can't have him. He belongs to me." Freddy said as he gripped onto Derek firmly by the arms.

Derek frowned and he started to struggle in his grip, only to cry out when Freddy's grip grew harder. Adam growled and he took out his hunter's knife and held it up in front of him.

"Get your fucking claws off him, you burnt son of a bitch!" Adam yelled as he rushed at Freddy. Derek's eyes widened and he shut his eyes, and he suddenly felt Freddy let him go.


"Vhat zhe hell?"

Derek opened his eyes and saw that he was now away from both Freddy and the other slashers. Though he noticed that everyone was staring at him like a group of deer caught in headlights. The Slashers were giving him a shocked expression while Freddy was smirking at him.

"D-Derek....you just teleported...." Eric said, as he stood beside Adam, a machete in his right hand.

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