The clock starts now

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Derek felt like he had just barely gone to sleep when Mr. Arlovoska had came into the room and gently shook him awake. "Wake up, Derek. We got to get moving." He said before he moved across the room to wake up Adam, Eric, and Samäel who were bunking with him.

Derek pulled himself up into a sitting position and started to rub vigoriously at his face to wake up faster, ocassionally slapping himself for extra measure. Samäel was tangled in his blankets as he started to move around, his dark hair messy from bed head, while Adam and Eric were already on their feet and pulling their clothes on.

"No no. Not those clothes. Wear these." Mr. Arlovoska said as he tossed pairs of torn shirts and jeans, that each had blood stains on them. Now Derek was fully awake, and he examined the clothes before facing the greying man who seemed like he was in a hurry.

"Wha-what's going on?" Eric asked as he failed to stifle a huge yawn as he started pulling the new outfit on.

"Raven will explain downstairs. We have to get to our second house that's exactly five hours away from here. We've already packed away as much stuff as possible into Emil's and Viktor's father's moving truck and replaced everything with some old furniture from the storage room." Mr. Arlovoska said as he started ushering the boys out of the room.

Mrs. Arlovoska came over with Adam's mother, Mrs. Kirkland and the two women dtarted dosing the entire room with flammible liquid. Derek wrinkled his nose from the smell as he quickly walked down stairs. The remaining Slasher teens were already dressed. Raven was passing out small gas masks before she turned to face Derek.

"Derry, I need you to find Freddy in the dream realm. He's step two in the plan." She said, and before Derek can say or do anything, Raven gently pressed onto his pressure point by his neck, immediately knocking him out. 


"You ready Derek?" Derek groaned in agony as he rubbed where Raven had attacked him. He opened his eyes to see Freddy kneeling beside him, his usual smirk plastered on his face.

"I would be if I knew what the hell is going on. Why is everyone acting weird, and dosing everything in gasoline?" Derek asked as he started to get up from the floor, feeling as if he was going to faint. Freddy watched him, though he ocassionally glanced into the real world to see that everything was moving a lot faster than he thought.

"Well, the cops are still after you and your friends aren't they? That girl Rachel ratted all of you out so you're all wanted by them." Freddy said as he waved his hand and a rat materialized in his hand before he throws it over his shoulder.

"We're faking your deaths by making it seem you all died in a fire. Though you and me are staying behind long enough to get you out of there and to scare the hell out of the cops if they show up. Which is a big possibilty." Freddy finished as he placed his gloved hand on Derek's shoulder.

Derek frowned as he looked down, knowing that this plan was absolutely crazy, even for him. Though what else can he do? This was the only option they had. Derek faced Freddy, and he grabbed his arm.

"If this doesn't work then I'm going to be dead for no reason." Derek said, sounding dead serious. Freddy's smirk only grew, making him look more sadistic than usual.

"I guess that means we'll be spending a lot more time together now wouldn't it? Best to go out with a bang rather than rotting in a jail cell." Freddy said with a harsh laugh.

"I hate you."

"Love ya too, kid."


"Alright, that should do it! Police are on their way now. We need to get out of here. Anya and Jesse created the trail for the fire to reach the house." Mr. Arlovoska said as he started running to the back gate.

"Derek's body is in position. He and Freddy will be standing close by but not too close to the fire." Raven said as she held Emily in her arms. Mr. Arlovoska nods and he and Raven jumped into his van. Sasha was sitting in the driver's seat, her eyes focused on one of the mirrors. Once she saw the fire start coming towards the house, she pressed the button on the dashboard and opened the back gate.

"That's our cue! Go now!" Adam yelled and Sasha stepped on the gas pedal and they were soon out of the yard with the remaining parents following in their separate cars. Once Sasha closed the gate, the house was already erupting in flame. She felt her heart aching, knowing that Derek was still there. Though she couldn't turn around to go back for him. They had to stick to the plan all the way through.

Derek woke up and he jumped to his feet once he felt the searing heat wave near his face. He looked around before he saw Freddy staring at the fire, an almost scared expression on his face as he watched the building get devored by the flames. "Dad? You're spacing out on me." Derek said as he gently shook him by the shoulder.

"I'm just happy that you're not in there...I don't need you to share my fate of being burned alive." Freddy said, which shocked Derek to the point that he stepped back. However, he couldn't say anything because he heard approaching sirens of police cruisers and a fire truck approaching.

"What did you do to Rachel anyways?" Derek asked as he and Freddy started to enter the burning building. The dream demon glanced at Derek for a while before he smirked.

"Let's just say...her karma has came for her. I decided to puck deal with her." He said which made Derek give him a questionable look.

Hockey puck? Who the hell is Hockey puck supposed to be? He thought just as two firemen burst into the living room.

"Can anyone here me?! We're from the fire department!" A tall fireman yelled as he started searching the building. Derek laid on the ground as Freddy hid in the fire.

"I'm over here, I'm pinned under a fallen pillar!" Derek yelled only to start coughing when he inhaled smoke. The fireman came towards him, along with two police men. One of the officer's recognized him and was reaching for his handcuffs when Freddy's knives went through his chest.

The firefighter screamed with shock while the other officer, a woman, jumped back in surprise.

"Welcome to hell, bitch." Freddy said before tearing his hand out of the corpse before slashing the woman in her face and stabbing her in the stomach. The firefighter screamed again and ran out of the building.

Derek and Freddy looked at each other, where Derek was fighting the mad desire to laugh. Freddy grabbed Derek and he opened a portal to the dream realm before he pulled him in. Derek yelped and had to run to keep himself from faceplanting on the ground.

"Well that takes care of them. Now we just have to wait for your mother or for one of your friends to fall asleep so that I can send you back to them." Freddy said in a normal tone as he started walking around.

Derek watched his father for a moment before he sighed and followed after him. Looks like I'm stuck with him until that actually happens....

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