Gentle encounter

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As Raven pulled into the drive way, Derek has been silent throughout the entire drive. Raven glanced at her son before an idea came into her head and she reached into the back seat and picked up a box that was tied with a blue ribbon. "Derry, I was going to give this to you later on tonight, though I figured I might as well give this to you now." She said as she placed the box onto Derek's lap.

Derek glanced at the box confused before he glanced at his mother. He sighed and started to pull the ribbon off the box, and he opened it. Inside it was a black fedora. Derek tilted his head to the side as he pulled the hat out from the box and looked it over. "It''s a fedora." Derek said as he faced his mother, rather lost of words.

"Well, when you were a baby, you always liked taking your father's fedora and putting it on your head....and I saw it while I was at the store buying your sister new shoes. Plus it is your style mister rock and roller." Raven said as she gently ruffled Derek's hair and got out of the van and started walking inside the house.

Derek continued to sit in the van, and he frowned lightly as he put the fedora on. It was a bit of a tight fit around his head, and it made him look as if he was a bit bedraggled though other wise it was a good look on him. Derek got out of the van and closed the car door behind him and was beginning to walk inside when the sound of an approaching car caught his attention. He turned around and saw his two other friends Sasha and Adam pulling up on the curb in Adam's black convertible.

"Yo, Derek! Eric told us what happened! It's about time someone taught that bone head Phillips a lesson." Adam said as he turned his car off and jumped out of the front seat. Sasha didn't say anything as she silently climbed out and blew some of her hair away from her eyes.

"Did the headhunter give you detention?" Sasha finally asked as she looked at Derek, a gentle look in her usually cold amber eyes.

"Luckily no. I don't know what Mom told him, but he left me off with a warning." Derek said as he adjusted his fedora with his left hand. That's when he noticed that Adam and Sasha were now staring at it and he frowned lightly, a bit confused. "What's wrong?"

"'re wearing a fedora...." Sasha said in a almost inaudible tone.


"You look almost like a human Freddy Krueger. Minus the ugly sweater and bladed glove." Adam said and Derek gave his friends an unimpressed look.

"Can we not talk about this whole Freddy Krueger stuff and focus on the project for Chemistry? When's Eric coming over?" Derek asked as he motioned with his hand for them to follow him inside. He walked into the living room and kicked his sneakers off and lined them up by the door.

"He'll be here in about an hour. Did you hear about Lyra? Her and her family are moving to Haddonfield, Illinois." Adam responded as he stepped inside after Sasha and he ran his hand through his honey blonde hair.

"Haddonfield? Where Michael Myers supposedly resides?" Sasha asked as she looked at Adam curiously while Derek snorted with disbelief.

"The one and only." Derek said with a soft laugh as he started walking upstairs to his bedroom. "Alright guys, you know the drill. It's a school night, but at least Mom is allowing us to have our sleep over tonight for the sake of getting the project done early." He said as he fell onto his bed with perfect aim.

"Yeah. Let's hope Eric remembers to bring the marshmallows this time." Adam said, which made Sasha and Derek burst out laughing.


" brain is fried...." Derek mumbled as he finally sets his pen down and he started massaging his writing hand. He glanced around and saw Sasha stacking papers together before she stapled them. Adam was just finishing his own report before he finally gave in and dropped his pen and shook his hand out to get the feeling back into it. Eric finished gluing pictures onto a presentation board before he fell backwards on his futon, snoring softly.

"Yeah, I'm beat too. Though at least the project's finished. Score one for the Slashers..." Sasha said as she stretched lightly, popping her back a few times which made Adam cringe.

"Slashers? That's what we're going to be calling ourselves now?" Derek asked as he took his fedora off and hung it up on a hook on his bedroom door.

"Hahah...yeah. Because we're a quad of freaks who love anything having to do with Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Freddy Kreuger. Why not call ourselves The Slashers?" Sasha said as she looked at Derek and she smiled at him.

Derek thought a while before he nods and he smiled before he saw the time on his alarm clock. It was 8:58. "Oh fuck.....we should have been in bed a long time ago." He said as he stood up.

"Huh. Well, I guess we're sleeping in our clothes then. I'll see you guys in the morning." Sasha said as she picked up her bag and walked out of Derek's room and started walking down the hall towards the spare bedroom.

Derek sighed and he laid back down as he threw a pillow and a spare blanket in Adam's direction. "Night, Adam." He said as he turned the lights off by turning a dial beside his bed.

"Night, Krueger."


Derek woke up and he sat up straight as he looked around his surroundings. He was in a boiler room. Confused, he pulled himself off the ground and dusted his clothes off. "Hello?" He called out as he looked around still. Though he didn't get an answer except for the sound of steam hissing.

"Hey there, kid." A deep voice said from behind Derek and he wheeled around to come face to face with a burnt man wearing the same fedora and gloved hand from the other night. Freddy Krueger.

"No way...I can't believe it...." Derek said, as his eyes widened with slight surprise and fear and he automatically took a step back.

"Awh, is someone afraid of old Freddy? How cute." Freddy said mockingly as he scraped the knives against the wall, making the hair on Derek's neck stand up.

"Let me guess. You're here to kill me aren't you?" Derek said as he watched the demon and he crossed his arms over his chest. Freddy seemed rather taken aback by Derek's question and he stopped walking towards the teenager.

"Kill you? That's normally how it goes doesn't it, kid? But I've decided that I'm not going to kill you, no matter how much I want to. Though it just so happens you mean more to me than you think." Freddy said as he casually leaned against the wall as he smirked at Derek mischievously.

"Hahahah no. In fact, I don't even know who you are to me, or what I am to you to be something special worth keeping alive." Derek said as he fixed his fedora only to freeze. He was wearing his fedora? But he took it off before he fell asleep.

"Well, maybe you don't know now. Though soon you will. Here's a little hint for you, kid. I just so happen to know Raven." Freddy said as he stood up straight and he walked towards Derek, and before Derek could even blink, he was right in front of him and he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Tell her, her...old flame said hello." Freddy said as he pushed Derek roughly, and he watched as the teenager fell through the floor back into the real world. He sighed and turned around and walked off.

"I'll be waiting for you when you come back...daddy's little killer."

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