New Faces

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Eric spit out his water, which earned himself a glare from a janitor. He smiled back sheepishly before he left to go get paper towels to clean it up off the floor. Derek, on the other hand was staring at Adam with a look of slight horror on his face.

"Wh-What?! No. That's impossible. How the hell can he be my father?!" Derek asked as he started to get up from his chair, only for Adam to immediately place a hand on his shoulder.

"Think about it Kreuger. Your mother's married name is Krueger, you haven't seen your father in like fifteen years and a dream demon isn't going to kill you all because you mean the world to him." Adam said in a soft tone so their conversation wouldn't be heard by anyone else.

Derek frowned and he shook his head defiantly. "No. I don't believe this. Come on Adam, you know how Freddy Kreuger is with his victims. He manipulates them into thinking that what he is saying is the truth. Besides, my real father wouldn't go and nearly murder one of my best friends." He pointed out as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Eric got back with the paper towels and he started wiping away vigorously at the floor. Then finally, he sighed and looked up at Derek and Adam.

"So...what are we going to do? We can't just flat out go to sleep at the same time and try to put a stop to him. He'll kill us. We need reinforcements..." Eric said, sounding rather dejected as he looked down again.

Adam thought a while before an idea popped into his head. "I happen to know a few guys who can help...."


The next day arrived without any incident. Derek stayed clear of James and his little posse of jocks, and made it through the day without getting into a fight. Sasha was allowed out of the hospital, but she had to be moved around on a wheelchair as a percaution so she wouldn't accidentally make her wounds any worse.

Around lunch hour, Derek walked towards a large over grown willow, where Adam, Eric, Sasha and about six other kids were waiting for him. Derek adjusted his fedora as he stopped in front of the group.

"Adam? What's going on?" Derek asked as he looked around at the six kids who he didn't fully recognize.

"Derek, this is Samäel, Viktor, Rachel, Kenny and Jenny, and finally Emil. They're going to be helping us with dealing with Freddy Kreuger." Adam said as he pointed everyone out as he was talking.

"Just like Sasha, ve happen to have faced Kreuger before. Ve have zhe vounds to prove it." Viktor said in a sharp Norwegian accent as he pulled the collar of his shirt away. Rachel lightly pulled her skirt to show her calf, Emil rolled up his left sleeve, and Kenny and Jenny both turned around and showed Derek their left and right shoulder blades.

Derek's eyes widened when he saw that all six of them had long, almost ragged scars. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words were forming, so he closed his mouth and looked down.

"When Adam told us about Sasha being in the hospital and now being stuck taking Hypnocil, we decided to help you with your problem. I don't know if you heard, but students who have been negatively associated with you have suddenly been killed in their sleep. Everyone is beginning to suspect that you have something to do with it." Rachel said as she stared at Derek with icy blue eyes.

"What?" Derek said as his eyes widened and his face nearly drained of all color, and he felt as if his head was spinning.

"Don't worry. We believe that you are innocent of these murders. Though its best to keep a low profile until we are ready to group up again and take Freddy down." Emil said as he gave Derek a reassuring smile, though eventually faded when he suddenly looked up and started scowling.

Everyone turned around to see what Emil was staring at, and to Derek's horror, he saw Principal Phillips marching over with two police officers flanking him. And he looked like he was going to murder them.

"Slashers Scatter! Meet up at the hideout!" Adam said loud enough for the group to hear and one by one everyone sprinted in different directions in pairs. Eric took off with Sasha while, Derek and Adam took off towards a wooded area.

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