The Mystery begins

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Derek gasped sharply as he woken up the next morning. He quickly sat up in his bed, his hair plastered to his forehead from the cold sweat that was running down his skin. He looked around his bedroom, half expecting Freddy to suddenly jump out from his closet and kill him. Though instead, he saw Eric still sleeping on his futon, and Adam was sprawled out on the couch in the left corner.

I...I don't understand....Freddy Krueger knows my mom? Derek thought as he rested his head in his hands. He glanced at his alarm and saw that it was only 6:00 in the morning. He sighed softly and just laid there until there was a shrill scream coming from down the hall.

Eric immediately jumped up on his feet, pulling out a can of pepper spray from his jacket pocket. Though Adam pulled out a hunting knife.

"Who wants to get fucked up?!" Adam shouted as he brandished the blade, getting shocked screams from Eric and Derek.

"WHY IN MUSTAFAR'S FIRES DO YOU HAVE A BLOODY HUNTER'S KNIFE?! PUT THAT AWAY BEFORE SOMEONE GETS HURT!" Eric yelled as he automatically backpeddled away from Adam.

"That was coming from the room Sasha was staying in. Come on!" Derek said as he quickly climbed out of bed and was already racing out into the hallway. Eric and Adam followed after him, hot on his heels.

"Sasha! Hey, are you alright?" Derek called as he started fumbling with the doorknob, trying to get the door open, though it was strangely locked.

Adam got in front of the door and he wedged his knife into the door and started wiggling the blade around as Derek continued twisting the doorknob. Finally, the door opened and the two boys burst into the room and looked around. Sasha was laying on the bed, with long scratch marks in her torso. Luckily they weren't lethal, but by the looks of them, they must hurt very badly.

"Oh fuck...." Adam mumbled as he stared at the claw marks.

Derek felt rage begin to boil inside of him, his hands clenching anxiously at his sides. That sick son of a bitch.... He thought as he made his way towards Sasha and he gently moved her arm away from her torso.

"Eric, go get my mom and call an ambulance....Looks like we aren't going to school today." Derek said as he picked up a towel from the dresser and started pressing it against the slashes, getting rid of any blood that wasn't slowly seeping through the wounds.


Derek, Adam, Eric, and Raven sat in the hallway of the emergency room, waiting for any news on how Sasha was doing from having to get her side stitched and patched up. Adam was angrily typing away on his phone, Eric was nervously biting his fingernails. Raven was silent, while Derek was pacing back and forth.

"Mrs. Krueger?" A female doctor asked as she walked over with a clip board. Raven stood up and walked over to the nurse.

"Is she going to be alright?" Raven asked as she folded her arms over her chest. The three boys immediately looked over with different looks of worry and panic in their eyes.

"Sasha Arlovoska will be fine. She lost only a bit of blood though thanks to your son, she-"

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Derek tensed up and he wheeled around just in time for Sasha's mother to run over with a look of horror on her face. Before anyone can react, she put her hands on Derek's shoulders and started screaming at him.

"What have you done to my baby?! Did you kill her? Did you kill my Sasha? What have you done?!" Mrs. Arlovoska yelled as she stared at Derek with a crazed expression. A mixture of fury, pain, and sadness making her look as if she had gone mad.

"Anya, it's alright. She's just gotten out of surgery. She's going to be fine." Mr. Arlovoska said gently as he lightly pulled his wife away from Derek, who was looking even more shaken up than he already was.

Derek felt as if he was going through a panic attack. His heart was racing, and he was breathing hard. Why would Freddy nearly kill one of his friends? What did Sasha do to deserve what had happened to her?

A gentle hand on his shoulder made him jump and he turned around, seeing Raven looking at him. "Derek....Sasha will be put on Hypnocil as a percaution..." She said though to Derek, he couldn't hear her. Because he was more focused on that one name.



"Eric. I need you to do something for me." Derek said when he, Adam and Eric left for the food court, allowing the parents to stay with Sasha until the boys were ready to see her.

"Sure. What is it?" Eric said as he took a drink from his water bottle, and he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"I need you to look up what Hypnocil is. It just seems too much of a convenience. My mom used to take it when she was our age, my sister Emily has to take it because she can't sleep well at night with out it. And now Sasha has to take it because they think the attack is somehow connected to her being asleep." Derek said as he twirled a plastic knife in his fingers.

"Hypnocil is a medical perscription drug that is used for when people don't want to dream. I remember a person named Nancy use to take it back in my mom's day. It is also linked to Freddy Krueger you think he did this?" Eric said as he read the information on his phone before turning to face Derek.

"I don't know....though I have a sneaking suspicion that he did. He visited me in my dream last night....said that he won't kill me because I mean a lot to him....and he also said that he knows my mom...." Derek said, feeling as if there was a lump in his throat as he stared at his shoes.

"Wait a minute! Derek...I know this might sound crazy. But...I mean...Freddy Krueger....he...he can't be your dad can he?"

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