(ExOverwatchFemOC!Widowmaker) Step into my parlor part 1

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Way back in the day I used to be a high ranking officer in the overwatch initiative.

I worked side by side with some of the world's greatest hero's Jack Morris, Ana Amari, Angela Ziegler and more.

I ran ops for the rest of the team, I had developed an army of robots, I know fitting that the thing that would be used to destroy robots, were robots but these weren't omnics.

These were fighter bots that didn't even have the gear required to think for themselves, they were just remote controlled bots that would live and die for me.

When overwatch was disbanded and warrants were out for our arrest I decided to lie low.

when rumors that ex overwatch agents were being assassinated I was in no hurry to make myself known, I changed as much about myself as I possibly could, where I lived my looks my name my job literally anything that could be changed I made the switch.

However lately I've been feeling like someone's watching me, I'm not fighter and I had to dismantle all my battle bots Incase anyone went looking around, I was defenseless.

I started to be afraid of being alone so I'd spend as much time as I could in social places, not because I loved socializing, I hate people, there loud arrogant and stupid... I prefer robots.

All I needed was the safety that a large group would provide, or at least the piece of mind that thought would give me.

Eventually though night time would hit and the only social places there were, were places you needed to pay to be in so I ended having to walk home at night.

I'm a small woman, my red hair long enough to reach my mid back, I was 4'11 and most certainly did NOT workout so I was very fearful.

About a couple blocks from my house I noticed some people coming from the alleyways that I walked past, there clothes ripped and dirty, looking ragged but following me sharply with there eyes.

I slowly started to pick up speed in my step as I moved which they started to follow in suit, trailing behind me when suddenly a pair of arms wrap around me and tug my into an ally.

I screamed for help and a knife pressed against my throat making a small scratch as I hear heavy breaths in my ear.

"Take out your wallet, phone and keys right now or I swear to god I'll gut you right here In this ally, you understand me?" An older husky voice muttered in my ear.

I nodded and as I reached for my wallet I heard a loud crack sound ring out in the night and one of the men drop to the ground blood oozing from the fresh bullet hole in his head.

The men looked around confused and terrified, some visibly quaking as another crack sounds out making two men who were standing close together drop.

The man holding me assuming it had to do with me and pushed me away from him and threw up his hands in surrender and as I stumbled away from him I turned around just in time for one final shot to be fired directly into his forehead.

I back up away from the crumpled up body's of the men before getting to my senses and taking off away from the ally.

I ran all the way home not stopping for one second, I noticed that the feeling of being watched intensified as I ran from the scene.

Getting home I shut my door, locked it and activated the best security system I could afford.

I eventually started to settle down and I went off to bed, sighing as I thought about what happened, no shots were fired anywhere at me even though the shooter clearly had spectacular skill.

Whoever did that, did that for my protection not to harm me, the thought did help calm me down a bit knowing whoever did that had a keen interest in keeping me alive.

I had the feeling of being watched throughout the night, the only place I could afford had far too many windows for my taste and so it didn't help at all that the shooter was probably watching me all night.

I never fell asleep I just pretended I did, staying dead still in bed hoping to god whoever that was wouldn't be tipped off.

The next morning I had bags under my eyes, I often had trouble with sleep so that was nothing new but regardless, I was exhausted.

I went about my day as normal but with the knowledge I was probably being watched and I went to my usually coffee place and sat down at a booth.

Whoever did that had both skill and an attachment to me that would make them want to defend me, it couldn't have been Ana, she's been dead for some time now and nobody on the overwatch team has that level of precision.

Pulling out my phone I tried to look up events like this but I just kept stumbling across articles about a mysterious assassin that killed world leaders and overwatch agents, the skill adds up but there's no way that the infamous talon assassin could be trying to look out for me.


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