The Past

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(Age 6)

"We'll leave you alone if you give us the girl," says a voice.

"Deal," said another voice.

"I truly hope you realize you lost the greatest weapon," said the first voice.

I watched my ex family leave me without a trace of sorrow or guilt.

************* <•> *************

"Welcome my dear to your new home."

"First order of business is when shall we turn you."

"If you don't mind. I would ask you to wait so I can perhaps be able to enter a relationship with her."

"Of course. We'll wait for that. But at what age shall she be forever?"

"Will the age 18 be alright?"

"Seems perfect to me my dear boy. Now go and enjoy your new home. After all you'll most likely spend the rest of your immortal life here."

<<< skip to 4 year later >>>
(Age 10)

"Jasper, why does Aro make me meet new people every week?"

"Because sweetheart, he wants you to make more friends. Friends who had magic powers that you can have too."

"Really! Yay. I want to meet more people!"

"Of course you do. Remember to practice and study too."

"Blegh, study is for chumps."

"Then what does that make everyone that studies? Because everyone studies to be big in life."

"Oh...never mind then. I guess I'm the chump."

<<< skip 4 more years >>>
(Age 14)

"Jane! Help me! I don't know what's going on! Why is there blood?"

"Oh silly girl. The blood just means you have reached womanhood. Don't worry, I'll ask master if I can go sort things out for you."

"Thank you. And can you uh...get me some chocolate too? Please?"

"As you wish. I'll send Heidi up with another pair of clothes."

"No need. I heard the yelp. Here you go sweetheart. But a lesson in this: it will happen every month now. We'll be prepared however, but we must keep you away from...certain people."

"Okay. Thank you guys. You're the best."

<<< skip 3 years later >>>
(Age 17)

"Jasper, stop tickling me. You know I have to train. Besides, Aro says he has something important to tell me."

"Alright darling. But I believe a kiss is needed."

"Alright my love. Now hurry up before we make him wait any longer."

"Okay, come on."

*********** <•> ***********

"Ah, there she is. The soon to be birthday girl. My dear, the time has come for your changing. We have decided to change you however a few months after your birthday my dear."

"How come?"

"Because Jasper here has something to ask you."

"Darling, I have watched you grow up into a fine woman. Now I wish to spend the rest of my life with. Will you do me the honor in becoming my dear wife?"

"Yes! A million times yes!"

"The wedding preparations shall start. But I must ask you two to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"It's has been many years. The Cullens need a check up on their...offspring. And what better people than you two. After all, I bet you, my dear, have unspoken words about them."

"Of course I do. They were my family. They abandoned me when the little wench was born. They bargained me as if I was some livestock. But they'll soon see that I am stronger. Powerful. Smarter.

I am back and better than ever."

<•> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•> <•>

This is the tale of Aurora Volturi. 12 years had roughly passed since Renesmee Cullen was born.

12 longs years since Aurora was traded off.

12 years since her family abandoned her.

Now she is back. And she is not going down without a fight. She will show her ex family that she doesn't nor will ever need them.

Her family is now the Volturi. And what better way to live than be with your soon to be husband who has helped you.

No one will get in her way of becoming happy. Not even the little pest of a family called Cullens.

Aurora will show them all. She'll show that she is the most prized weapon of all time.

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