Diffferent Pov's

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I wanted to thank and dedicate this chapter to @ItsAbshere for giving me this great idea about Bella. For everyone else who has given me their ideas, don't worry I liked all of them and will use them, but not on this chapter. Thank you for your patience. I hope this chapter is good. I made it long for those who have been waiting for a while.

Luv you guys!


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Edwards Pov:

After Aurora, Jasper and the others confronted us, we ran back to the house.

After this whole time, she's gotten stronger.

'Who is she? She seems familiar?'

'She's beautiful...'

'I love her outfit! I wonder if she gets to wear more designer clothes?'

'I'd love to fight her when she is a newborn.'

Hearing everyone's thoughts about Aurora was driving me insane. I needed to get out of there.

"I'll be back soon. I'm going to go hunt," I said heading out.

"I'll come with you," Bella says, jumping up from the couch.

"No, you stay. I need to be alone for a bit," I tell her and run out.

As I raced through the woods, I began to overthink about some subjects.

'Renesme is becoming spoiled because of Bella; Rosalie still feels guilty about what happened years ago; Bella...Bella has been off lately.'

As I pondered through my thoughts, I then realized the biggest change.

'Bella and Jacob have both been off....NO! She wouldn't...would she?'

Stopping my pace, I heavily breathed out of anger. Just thinking about the thought over and over made realize the truth. After all this time together, after all that we have been through, Bella isn't faithful.

I punched a tree, breaking it in half, out of anger. All the lies that she told me, I believed her. I gave her everything, yet this was how she repays me.

I take off running back to the house to confront her, but stopped when I heard an ear piercing scream.

I take off towards the sound and see a blonde vampire on top of Bella. Even if Bella wasn't faithful, I still cared for her. She is the mother of my only child.

I tackled the other vampire down and looked up and saw Aurora holding back one of her friends. The others soon joined us.

After calming everything down, I took both Bella and Renesme's hands and ran off. I was seething in anger by the time we arrived.

"How could you be so ignorant! She is stronger than all of us put together! Do you have any idea what you just started," I yelled at Bella.

"Why are you defending her? We're your family! And frankly I don't care what we started. I had a chance to end her and you all but ruined it," Bella yelled back.

"That is not the point. Because of your actions, the Volturi will be watching us closer. We are now marked because of your idiot-icy," I state.

"Why are you so upset with me. I had my chance and now it's gone. What are you so angry about," she questions me.

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