Making Amends and A New Life Begins

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This chapter is dedicated to @jenziegirl035 . I would like to thank her for giving me the idea of the Cullens asking for forgiveness. It was a great idea and I'm glad to be using it. I hope that more of you can give me more ideas because I love them all so much.



Aurora's Pov:

After Renesme had left to go talk to her family, Jasper had begun to make dinner for Jonas and I. Seeing Jasper making dinner brings hearts to my eyes because the only reason he had taken up in cooking was becasue of me. I appreciate him making dinner tonight becuase it will not just be for me, but also for my twin.

"Hey, darling, what are you and Jonas interested in for dinner? I don't want to make something that he doesn't want," I heard Jasper call out from the kitchen.

I turned to my twin to see if he had an answer.

"I'll be fine with whatever. I'm not a picky person," Jonas answered. 

I figured hearing Jonas answer was enough for Jasper because I soon heard pots and pans moving around.

I went back to talking to my sisters and friends to discuss my wedding and how we are going to leave the Volturi. Our chatter came to a stop when I heard Carlie and Bianca hiss. Within a few seconds, Travis is standing in front of me in a protective stance along with my other siblings around me. 

I was confused as to why they have moved so quickly in front of me. My thoughts changed once I turned around and saw who was outside.

The Cullens.

"What are they doing here," Tamara asks.

"I have no clue. I didn't know or see them coming," I explain as I stand up. 

Not even two steps in, I was held back by Samuel. He gripped my arm, but not tight enough to where it hurts.

"Sam, let go. I'm just going to see what they want. Besides, if I need hep, you're all here ready," I gently tell him so he would let me go.

It took a few seconds, but he eventually lets me go. Turning around, I head towards the door with Jasper who just appeared beside me. As soon as I step outside, Carlisle is the one to step forward.

"Aurora, I hope we don't we bother you, but we all came to apologize. I want to be the first to give you my sincerest apologies," he says.

I scoffed at his words, already knowing where this was leading to.

"There is no need. I can tell what you all are doing here, and I will tell you right now, I can not forgive you. You have all ruined my life, but I will say thank you because I found a family," I stated. 

"Please Aurora. We know you cannot forgive us, but please take our apology into consideration. We wish to correct our mistakes and the pain that we had caused on you," Esme said. 

"You want me to forgive you after a decade has passed! Why should I? I don't have to do anything for you or your family anymore. Not since you threw me away all because Bella said so," I yelled. 

The family in front of me cringed at the tone of my voice. I figured Carlisle or Esme would attempt to converse, but I was wrong. Edward stepped forward with shame in his eyes.

"And because of her, we didn't do anything to keep you. When Bella had made the trade, we were all shocked as well. None of us expected her to do such a thing. When everything was over, we all asked her why. She said you weren't blood so it didn't matter. We knew then that she never cared for you. But now, we want to fix everything that we had done to you," Edward says.

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