The Final Battle

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(This is a warning. This chapter has many point of view changes and I am giving you a heads up. These changes are necessary to see every angle of the chapter. Thank You!)

Sorry for the late, late update. I have been extremely busy with school, sports, and some other classes. I made this chapter extra long for you guys. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for sticking with me. Luv you guys! <3


Aurora's Pov:

The clock was ticking, much time has passed by. The news reporter had said the first snowfall for the city was in two days. Two more days until we meet with the Volturi. Two more days left with my family...two more days until my fate is decided.

Right now I sat on the sofa with Jonas as we watched the others who have joined us converse with everyone else. We had gathered as many volunteers to help us. Some of us were still calling others who were willing to help. After so many years, I am finally able to see the Denali coven once again.

Tanya was the first to come up to me.

"Oh look who we have here Kate. My have you grown into a young, beautiful woman. More powerful than when you were much younger. Am I right," Tanya says.

I smile at her and stand to give them all a hug.

"Hello Tanya. And yes, I've copied more gifts with the passing years. How have you and your family been? It's been a long time," I say.

"Ah, we have been alright. We still live in the same location in Alaska. How have you been, my dear," Carmen asks me.

"I've been fine. I've trained and practiced my gifts. These years have been amazing. I've had the best people raising me and being there," I say while looking towards Jasper who is standing bears his friends.

"Ah, I see. So I heard from a little bird that you are getting long have you been together? Have you started planning anything," Tanya asks.

"We've been together for almost three years. He told me I was his mate when I was fifteen and then we had begun our relationship. And we've planned slightly. There's been so much going on we have had no time. But I will definitely invite you. You're one of the few that attempted to protect me," I tell them.

"We are honored. But yes, tells us immediately when you have a date planned. We will for sure attend," Carmen says.

I hug each one of the member once more, showing them how much I care for them. I then split from the crowd that has grown since we've been searching for help, and stepped outside. It had started to feel a bit too much with everyone. I needed some space for a bit.

I walked a few steps away from the house, as far as I can to the point where the cannot hear me. I sat down on a fallen tree and observed my surroundings. The days had begun to get colder, clouds have hung around the air, but not a single fall of snow.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the footsteps behind me.

"Are you alright Aurora," a masculine voice says.

Turning around I see that it was Edward.

"I'm fine. Just needed some space, you know. Feels a bit crowded in there. Did you need something," I ask, curious as to why he's followed me out here.

"I came to apologize for how I reacted to your vision. I guess seeing myself with another woman after being with Bella for so long seemed surreal. I've never pictured myself in this position ever. The way I reacted was not appropriate and I hope you can forgive me," Edward states.

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