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Aurora's Pov:

'I could not hear a single sound besides that of my own breathing. My heart was pumping as I ran through the dense forest.

It was late at night when I decided to take a small stroll around the house; however, I wandered off to far and became lost.

I looked around to see if anything at least looked familiar, but since it was night and there was hardly any light, everything looked the same. I let out a sigh of frustration.

When a few minutes have passed after getting myself lost, there was a rustling sound near me. I had no idea who or what it was, but I knew it wasn't good because it was hunting me. I tried to let it go, but the sound kept getting closer.

Finally, when the rustling sounded right next to me, I took off running. I couldn't do anything. I was still human, my gifts weren't working for some odd reason, and now I was being chased.

I ran through twists and turns, trying my best not to trip over anything when all of a sudden, the rustling stopped. Not hearing any sounds, I stopped as well.

What a big mistake.

As I turned around, I cam face to face with red, gleaming eyes and a malicious smirk.

"Surprise," the person says as it attacks me.

I woke up with a jolt, sweat drenching my body and bed. My breathing was hard seeing as the nightmare had felt so real. I guess my breathing was very loud because next thing you know, Jasper appears.

"Darling, are you alright? What's wrong," he asks me as he coddles me.

"Nothing..I'm fine. It was just a nightmare, I'll be fine," I say as I lay my head in his neck.

"Are you sure you're fine because sweetheart, your heart is beating super fast and you're drenched in sweat," Jasper asks me with a concerned voice.

"Yeah, I'll be fine here in a minute. What time is it," I ask him s I look out the window and see that it was still dark.

"Its's two in the morning doll. You and Jonas are both asleep; everyone else is downstairs talking with each other," he tells me.

"Who is everyone," I ask him, curious to know if the Cullens are still here.

"Well, your siblings and friends are down there. Alice, Rosalie, Renesme, and Emmett stayed behind. The others left to go back home or to go hunt," he tells me.

I nod my head, still somewhat out of it from the dream. I guess i was still exhausted because I let out a yawn.

"Why don't you go back to sleep, darling. I'll be here right next to you," Jasper tells me.

I sleepily nod my head and lay back down. I cuddle into Jasper's chest and slowly drift off back to sleep.

3rd person POV:

As Aurora drifted back to sleep, the rest who were downstairs worried over her.

"Has this ever happened before," Rosalie asks, talking about Aurora. Her question was more directed towards Bianca, Hannah, and Tyler, who have known Aurora the longest.

"Once, but it was when she was younger," Hannah says.

"I think she was around nine. But it was strange. Whatever she dreamt of that day, she said actually happened later one. I guessed it was because of the gift she copied from Alice," Bianca said.

"It actually did happen. Her dream was about Tyler before he joined the Volturi. She dreamt that he would attack her out in the streets one day when no one was around, and he did. But because she had copied Jane's gift, she used it against him. That was how he ended up joining us was because she copied his gift when he was weak," Hannah explains.

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