Chapter 17

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Hickory Hill

April 11th

"Happy birthday Ethel!" Jackie smiled as Ethel opened the front door. "Hi!" Ethel and Jackie hugged before Ethel went on to hug Jack, and Jackie on to hug Bobby. They headed out into the back garden where Teddy and Joan were already there. "Hi!" Joan stood up, putting down her cocktail. "Hi Joan!" Jackie hugged her sister in law. "My God, how are you?" The three women got into conversation as did the three men. 


Jackie said she was going to the bathroom but she lied. She sneaked upstairs and took a turn. She then slowly opened the door, that used to be Arabella's bedroom. It was empty. She closed the door and looked around. Obviously Bobby and Ethel, knew how it would effect her and Jack if they walked in here and saw it had been changed. 

She looked. She touched the wall. It was the same white wallpaper with small teddybears on it that Jackie had commissoned all those years ago. This year it would 10 years since they had lost Arabella. Jackie touched the wallpaper before gently stroking it. 

Jackie then turned and what she then saw, struck her. She saw the white cot that would of been Arabella's bed. It had the same sheets. Except they were lightly coated with dust. She touched it and felt a tear escape. 

She saw it fall onto the covers and land on one of the brown teddy bears embroidered on it. However, she held them back. Suddenly she noticed the piano she put there. Her fingers, hit the piano keys and created a beautiful tune. Then there was a knock on the door. Ethel slowly poked her head in, Jackie stood up immediately. 

"Jackie?" Ethel was  surprised. "Are you ok?". Jackie apologised to Ethel; "I'm sorry that I am going into random rooms in your house" Jackie apologised. "Oh it's perfectly fine" Ethel confirmed and gave her permission to remain in the room. "You must have many memories of here". Jackie nodded. "I do, and they're ones I'd rather forget". 

She then walked over and touched the small mattress in the cot. It was soft. She started crying. Ethel offered her a handkerchief which Jackie gladly accepted. After checking her eyes to make sure they weren't red, she returned downstairs. Not saying a word to Jack. 

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