Chapter 18

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GW Hospital

Jack was in the hospital. He knew it very well, he had walked this corridor God knew how many times. Except this time, he wasn't walking. He was sitting down. On a chair, in a silent corridor. Then Dr Howard emerged from a room. He walked slowly over towards Jack. Jack looked up in despair. "I'm sorry sir, she didn't make it" Dr Howard whispered to him. 

Jack couldn't believe what he heard. His face fell into his hands and he sobbed loudly. "We tried everything. I'm sorry Mr President" Dr Howard, then walked away. 

When Jack had composed himself, he got up and went into the room. In the bed, lay Jackie. Who ever was driving that car had obviously done it, they had killed her. Her silent, white figure lay on the bed, propped up on pillows. Her eyes were still open. Jack, his hands trembling, closed them. He sat on the bed and held his wife in his arms. 

She was cold. He sobbed louder, his tears soaking her hair. He was in a living hell. He blinked and this his eyes opened and he was somewhere else. 

Jack's bedroom

White House

He sat up and looked around. He screamed and he panted, like it was his last breaths. Suddenly Jackie came running through. "Jack?" she was shaking. She had heard him scream, it was like he was being murdered in the next room. 

"Jack what is it?" She gasped. "Say something" she whispered. Jack gulped before speaking. He embraced Jackie. "OH GOD YOU'RE ALIVE" he sobbed but shouted his reply to his confused but upset wife. "Of course I'm alive. Why would you think otherwise?" Jackie was extremely confused. Jack looked around again. 

He thought he was going mad. "You were dead" he panted. "In my dream. Lyndon had killed you in the car crash. I remember going into the room and holding your body and crying" Jack told her everything. Jackie understood why he was so upset and was screaming. She hugged him once again. This time she cried. 

"Jack, don't worry" Jack held his head and made him look her right in eye. She then took his hands. "Jack I'm not going anywhere for a good long while" Jackie tried to reassure him but he still sobbed. "Can you sleep in beside me?" He asked. Jackie nodded. She slowly climbed in beside her husband. He held her in his arms. 

He then felt Jackie's ever growing baby bump. That calmed him down. Knowing that Jackie and most of all, the baby were safe. 

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