Chapter 42

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Hammersmith Farm's grounds

The next morning, Jack and Jackie decided to take a walk through what was renamed as Jackie's Forest. It was a part of a wood that was on the estate that Jackie liked playing in when she was younger. In later years, Janet asked gardeners to plant pretty flowers and lavender in the grounds so when she went for a walk on the granite slabs with Jack, she could take not only a trip through her wood but down memory lane. 

"It's beautiful here" Jack smiled as he kissed his wife. She nodded in agreement. Soon enough, they headed back out onto the main lawn of the house. They together sat in the sun, already coated with sun tan lotion, soaking up the heat. Jackie who was exhausted, decided to get some rest and lay down and Jack lay with his arms around her. 

Off in the distance, Lee walked down the lawn with Caroline, John, Antoni and Tina. She spotted the First Couple and she bent down to the kids. "Now remember and let mommy and daddy rest" she reminded them. They looked at each other and nodded. "Yes aunt Lee" Caroline smiled. Lee loved her niece and nephew, she adored them as if they were her own children. 

Jack and Jackie's room

Several hours later, the First Couple were ready for dinner. Jack in something smart but casual and Jackie in a nice summer dress. They kissed. "I forgot to tell you, how beautiful you looked today" Jack beamed as he clutched his wife's hand. Jackie blushed. "Why thank you Mr President" she joked before they headed downstairs for dinner. 

The porch

After dinner, Jackie went for some air on the porch. She sat on one of the white, wicker chairs and gazed out to the sea. Suddenly, she heard a noise and turned around to see her mother Janet. "Hey Jackie" Janet smiled at her daughter. Jackie looked amused. "Hello mother". Janet asked if she could join and her and she did. 

There was an awkward silence before Janet put her serious face on. "Jackie..." Janet hesitated. Jackie looked at her mother as she continued her sentence. "I am surprised, you and Jack still haven't renamed your daughter to Janet". Jackie sighed. "Mother not this again!" Jackie stood up to go inside but Janet grabbed her wrist and made her stay behind. 

"You can. You can be baptised as many times as you want. Just ask Jack if it can be changed and I'll be satisfied" 

Jackie this time, broke from her mother's grip and went inside. She stuck her head out the door and said. "Kathleen is what it will remain!". 

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