Chapter 30

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Oval Office

Jack looked at his wife. "What do you mean Teddy won't be coming in?" Jack asked. Bobby overheard this. Jackie pointed to the TV. "Turn it on" Jackie sobbed. Bobby went over and switched it on.

Jackie hugged her husband and he embraced her in his arms. She realised that they were unaware. The second it came on, it said BREAKING NEWS! across the screen.

In Georgetown, Washington DC; seven shots were fired at Vice President Kennedy's home. It is now official that the Vice President has been seriously wounded by the shooting.

The brothers couldn't help but stare. Jack fell onto the sofa as did Bobby. Jackie wrapped her arms around her husband as he sobbed heavily, soaking her suit.

Bobby let tears run but not as fast as Jack's. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ethel poked her head in. Jackie turned around and looked. She gave a weak smile before supporting Jack.

Ethel sat down beside Bobby and she took his grief. The television remained on and everyone was silent until there was another newsflash.

Cronkite came on.

"It has just been released from Georgetown hospital, the Vice President's condition. His wife Joan has received minor injuries and will recover quickly. The Vice President's condition is more serious" Cronkite announced.

Jack clicked off the TV. "We need to go to the hospital. Now!" He demanded. They piled into the car and they sped off to the hospital. Jack and Jackie went and met Teddy's doctor.

"Dr Howard?" Jack asked.

"That's right sir" Dr Howard shook the President and Mrs Kennedy's hands. "Where is my brother?" Jack asked. "He's currently in surgery. The five bullets that hit him are being removed" Dr Howard explained.

"Where's his wife?" Jackie asked. Dr Howard pointed to a room and Jackie went in to see her.

Jack however returned to the Trauma Room and waited desperately with Bobby and Ethel.

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