Chapter 21

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Washington Airport

Jack watched the plane take off before he made his way back inside. During his walk, he accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh sorry!" He immediately turned to face them. The person was brushing their coat. "Oh no harm do-" the person stopped mid-sentence. He stood open mouthed.

"President Kennedy?" He asked. Jack nodded. "Yes?". The man held out his hand and they shook hands. "I'm Abraham. Abraham Zapruder". That name. Zapruder. Jack raided his brain to find out where he had heard it before.

"Excuse me but have you filmed me before?" Jack asked. Mr Zapruder nodded. "Yes I have. I filmed the piece of footage of you in Dallas".

"Where Governor Connally was shot?"

"Yes that one. The Zapruder film" Jack knew it right away.

Jack thought for a moment. "Did you just film my wife?". Zapruder nodded. "Is that the same camera you used in Dallas?". Zapruder nodded again.

Jack shook his hand again. "I'm Jack" he introduced himself informally. "It really is an honour sir. I am a faithful Kennedy supporter" Mr Zapruder was so astounded he nearly fainted.

Jack was pleased to hear such praise. Jack handed Mr Zapruder a card. "This is my personal phone number. Keep in touch" Jack smiled before Mr Zapruder repeated Jack's actions.

It was a brief but friendly meeting.

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