Chapter 39

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Jackie's bedroom

White House

Jackie flopped onto her bed and Jack loosened off his tie. "Man I'm exhausted" Jack moaned, turning the door handle to go next door. "Ok then bunny. I'm off for a bath" Jackie said before heading into her bathroom. As she sat watching the water running, so much ran through her head. She needed to relax. Even though, she liked being pregnant, she had never experienced the pain and exhaust of twins! It was a time when she thought she would explode!

But Jackie knew that wasn't possible. She turned off the taps before sliding into the warm water. It was the only place where she could relax. 

Jack's bedroom

Jackie took off his tie and got changed into his pyjamas. He got under his covers and closed his eyes. For some reason he was exhausted. He had no idea why, it was probably the travelling and spending most of yesterday in the open air. And the crying of yesterday gave him a sore head, and when his head was like this, he needed sleep. 

Jackie's bedroom

Jackie came out of her bathroom in her sky blue dressing gown and dried her hair. It felt dry and she needed it washed. She was exhausted. She got changed into her nightgown and looked for Jack. 

Jack's bedroom

He heard a quiet tap on the door and he opened his eyes slightly to see Jackie. "Come in kid" Jack yawned before pulling back the cover for Jackie to come in beside him. She cuddled into her husband and whispered "I love you". Jackie didn't know that he was awake when he was actually asleep. 

Jackie realised her husband was awake when she felt him wrap his arms around her and pull her in close. They weren't just the First Couple, they were the Eternal Couple. 

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