Saturday September 15, 2012 - 3:15 PM

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I finally broke down today; maybe it has something to do with being back and writing in this journal regularly. Maybe it has something to do with the connection that I've rediscovered with Uncle Bob.

But I feel like I’ve been able to open up again, to life, to the experiences, to the idea of communication.

Yeah, sounds like flowery girly crap to me, too. But it’s a powerful feeling. I haven’t felt that way since Sarah and I last got together.

And I know that if anybody out there could possibly understand what I’m going through, what I’m dealing with, it’d be Sarah.

I’m pretty sure that enough time has passed now. I’m sure she’s been able to finally come to terms with her father’s terminal cancer. Maybe she’ll come around if I just try again to speak with her — maybe she’d be able to see how much I need to have her back in my life, to help sort through this shit that I’m dealing with.

So I broke down today and left a message on Sarah’s voice mail.


Rainy said...

That's taking a huge chance. I hope it all works out for you. I can tell you first-hand not to underestimate grief though. It has a strange tendency to carry on for much longer than you'd think.

Kim said...


Some things take awhile to come to terms with.

Be patient, Peter.

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