Thursday, September 27, 2012 - 5:25 PM

84 15 1

I can't fucking believe it. This isn't happening.

After reading Kim's comments, I went and looked at Rainy’s blog. He’d stopped posting. But his wife left a notice thanking friends for their condolences. And a search online revealed the following article.


Mysterious death has police baffled

Bill Williams — The Hamilton Herald

A local man was out taking night pictures of Hamilton when his life came to an abrupt and mysterious end on Tuesday night.

Local teenagers found Paul Rainy, 31, in a park along the escarpment while out for a walk last night.

The teenagers were visibly shaken when recalling their account of that night.

They wandered along the path at Sam Lawrence Park, a popular destination for local photographers with its panoramic view of the city. “We thought he was drunk or passed out or something” the shaken couple recapped. “It wasn’t until we got closer and saw all the stuff we knew something was up.” They used their cell phones and reported the incident to the police.

“We get all sorts of calls to the park but they are typically reports of mischief.

This is the first death we’ve had here,” a stunned constable who wished to remain anonymous said. “And I can honestly tell you that I’ve never seen anything so heinous in my life.”

The constable was referring to the fact that the victim, who had no criminal record, and had been reported to be a friendly person with no possible enemies, had been viciously stabbed multiple times in the shoulder and leg. Police refused to comment on further details, other than the fact that Rainy’s wallet, complete with credit cards and cash, remained untouched, as well as his camera bag containing an obviously expensive collection of cameras and accessories.

The police remarked, simply, that the murder seems to have not been the result of a robbery attempt gone astray, but rather some sort of obvious personal attack, and refused to comment further.

But witnesses revealed two disturbing things.

One, that the victim’s face seemed to have been chewed away, as if by a wild animal.

Two, that they could have sworn they saw a red foam ball clutched in his right hand. “Like a clown nose,” the young man said.


It was the clown nose that freaked me out the most.

When I woke up with it in my hand, I knew. But reading that article, hearing about his wounds, I know it's true. He's dead, and it happened at about the same time I dreamed about his death.

But I was nowhere near him. I've never been to Hamilton. And it was only a dream that I had. A dream. My fucking death curse couldn't possibly work through the internet on someone who is six fucking hours away and whom I've never even met.

It's just a coincidence. Or maybe it was like I thought before: my dreams are somehow psychic, somehow trying to tell me something.

It couldn't have been me that killed Rainy. It couldn't be. Sure, I was pissed off at the guy, at the things he'd said to me lately. But I went back to his earlier comments, and I realize that he was listening, trying to offer words of advice of support.

And somehow, by getting close to me, emotionally, he was killed by my curse?

No, no, it wasn't me. How could my death curse possibly reach so far? What the hell am I talking about? I don't even understand what this curse really is. How the hell could I know its limits?

– 1 Comment –

Kim said...

You couldn't... that's why you need to find out all you can... before it's too late.

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