Monday September 24, 2012 - 10:56 PM

89 13 0

I'm still not feeling all that better — haven't been able to leave the house, but at least today I got dressed, moved around the house a bit, watched a few movies, read almost an entire Richard Laymon novel (that made me think about Robbie — man do I ever miss him) and I watched some tv.

I started by checking out a few of the new shows — but there aren’t enough decent shows with a plot, not the stupid reality crap or “everybody is good at singing or dancing or whatever talent” stage content show. Watching tv actually took my mind off of Sarah for a while.


I stopped while writing this. Stopped for a few minutes to phone Sarah's place.

Her machine picked up after two rings, which means she hasn't retrieved and deleted her messages yet. Fuck. Where the hell is she? I wish I could be out there looking for her, waiting for her, instead of having been sick here. I know that she needs me.

Maybe I'm like one of those characters in that tv show Heroes from a few years back that I really liked. Each of them had this different uncanny super-power, some sort of supernatural ability. Yeah, I know, there's like this dark cloud of death surrounding me, but maybe it's the side-effect from some really cool super-power that I have. Maybe it's just starting to show its ability.

Like maybe that Rainy character is actually some sort of freakoid pervert like Bernardo. Maybe my dream was trying to tell me something. Maybe that's what my dream was trying to tell me. Maybe he does have something to do Sarah. Maybe that's why he's been haunting this blog, because he's been stalking me and Sarah, waiting for a chance to get at her, now watching me to see what I know.


Rainy said...

Yeah, that's exactly how it happened. When I finish work each day I drive all the way up to Sudbury and unlock the crate I'm keeping her in to give her some food and water. Her parents are in the trunk of my car in tiny pieces. Sarah is mine, all mine!! mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa!

Get a grip, Speedy. If I was even remotely interested in your tragic little life in a deviant way, why would I be trying to help you out (which I've given up on, by the way)? Don't flatter yourself on that one. While I can't say the desire to drag my butt all the way north and warn her about you is overwhelming, I haven't been to Sudbury in years. Okay, so a generic email may or may not have been sent to warn the local police of what is happening with a person slinking around a house in their town, but I can't say as it was my doing.

Kim said...

I've known Rainy for over ten years and I can confirm that he's not a stalker / kidnapper / psycho... a little on the odd side perhaps... but not a stalker / kidnapper / psycho...

You on the other hand...

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