Sunday September 23, 2012 - 2:58 PM

84 12 0

Fuck. I've been completely out of commission for several days now. I ended up spending half the day Wednesday parked outside of Sarah's house, but I fell asleep in the car only a couple of hours into my stake-out. I woke up all sweaty and feverish and it took all of my strength just to be able to drive the car home, walk from the garage to the house, then make it into my bedroom.

I've been laid-up in bed, sick for the past few days, mostly sleeping, without even the strength to watch television. It's only this morning that I started to feel better. Fuck. I must have caught something that night I fell asleep outside Sarah's bedroom window.

And if the cold that I caught wasn't bad enough, I had these freaky feverish dreams. Most of them involve waiting for Sarah outside her house or outside her bedroom window. The one that sticks strongest in my mind, of course is where I arrive at Sarah's window to find that Rainy guy there first, clown nose and all, laying in the grass looking through her window.

He stands up when I get there, all excited, telling me he can see it, and wants to get a picture of it. I have no idea what the hell he's talking about. He asks me to pose in front of Sarah's bedroom window so he can take my picture with it. For some reason I can't speak while he puts his hands on my shoulders and moves me into position, then tells me to crouch lower so he can get me and the window and it in the shot.

I'm finally able to speak and I say: "Get what in the shot? What is it that you see?"

"The skull," he says, pointing at the window.

And I turn and now I see it too. Hovering in her window in the dark, grinning at us with haunting vacant eyes. As I continue to stare at it, the eyes start to glow an eerie red and its jaw clacks open, saying something.

Then I turn back to look at Rainy, and he's taking off his clown nose. And, as soon as he takes it off, I can see that Rainy is actually Paul Bernardo. And, out of nowhere this chick shows up. Although I've never seen what she looks like I know that it's Kim. Except she looks like that chick Donna from That 70's Show, the one who played Karla Homolka in that movie.

"We've taken Sarah," they both say in unison. Then Rainy / Bernardo lifts up his camera and says. "Okay, now say cheese."


Rainy said...

You want cheese, just make a movie out of that dream and run it on a loop. I can't decide what's funnier, the fact that your cocked up dream proves that you can't let go of a damn thing, or the fact that because you didn't listen to my advice to leave well enough alone and you got sick after sitting in the cold in your damn car all night.

Thanks for the laugh.

And since you don't seem to see the danger in what you're doing you should check out the listing for stalking on a site like Wikipedia.

Or maybe the Criminal Code?

Kim said...

The subconscious loves to play tricks when you're vulnerable, but I think you've been watching too many cheesy horror flicks.

Take it easy, drink plenty of liquids and keep warm. I've had the cold that's going around myself, it's not nice.

(And if you're not gonna quit with the whole "stakeout / stalking" thing, at least take a blanket and thermos of hot coffee next time!)

Peter O'Mallick said...

How dare you fucking laugh at me? How fucking dare you? And how do you know so much about stalking and the criminal code anyway? Is it perhaps that you have a problem?

You're from Hamilton — isn't that near where Bernardo committed those crimes? Maybe you're both made from the same mould. Maybe my dreams are trying to tell me something about you, Rainy.

Did you ever think about that?

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