Wednesday September 19, 2012 - 7:42 AM

82 13 0

I left Sarah half a dozen messages yesterday.

Still no answer.

Damn, why does this have to be so much work?

I have so much to say to her, so much to talk to her about, so much to explain. I know that she’d be able to see things clearly, help me deal with all this, put everything into perspective.

I just know it.

All I need is to get hold of her.

Well, after reading that comment by the Rainy person, I couldn't get the thought of them calling me Paul Bernardo out of my head. I wasn't all that familiar with what he'd done, other than some controversy I remember when some Karla chick that he conspired with was let out of prison several years ago. So I dug into the movie archives that my uncle has on dvd, and sure enough, I found a movie titled Karla. So I watched it.

Couple of sick fucks. That's all I can say. And I wish there was some way that I could get that freaking clown-nosed jerk named Rainy to understand that I'm not at all like this fucking Bernardo. I'm more like Romeo. And Sarah is my Juliet. I'm simply misunderstood, deeply in love.

And a note to Kim, I also saw your comments. I'm not scaring Sarah. I couldn't possibly scare Sarah. She knows me too well. Sarah knows I love her. And I know exactly what's going on in her life right now, because I'm feeling it too. Her father is dying and she's terrified, just like me. Terrified of all the people around me who are dying. So where the fuck do you get off giving me advice? Are you and this Rainy person conspiring against me or something? I checked your online blogger profiles and you both live in the same city. I bet you are both gossiping and laughing your asses off at me. Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I know exactly what Sarah's going through and exactly what she needs. She needs me.

My Uncle Bob said I could borrow the car today, that he wasn't planning on using it at all. I'm going to park just down the street from Sarah's house for the next 18 hours or so, see if I can catch her coming or going.

– 1 Comment –

Kim said...

I have to say that I was really hurt by your comments, Peter. While we haven't met, I have never been anything but nice and understanding to you. It’s unfair that you would dismiss my comments merely because they weren't what you wanted to hear.

But if you want to play mean...

If you love Sarah so much and know her so well, and she knows this... then why hasn't she called you back? Why haven't you seen her during your stakeouts? Could it possibly be that you have no clue what's going on in her life? I mean, I've had a stalker more than once in my life (and that is what you have become by the way) and I know from personal experience that the last thing you want to do is talk to the guy hunting you. That is if Sarah's even living at home anymore. If she is, I'm surprised that neither she nor her parents have called the cops on you.

Give yourself and her a little breathing space.

Back off. When she's ready to talk, she will.

But then again, I'm part of some "grand against Peter conspiracy" aren't I? Let’s forget that I'm only trying to help. Let’s forget that I still believe you have a good heart (when you're not being a jackass that is).

A friend tells you the truth, even when it isn't what you want to hear. That’s what I'm doing, Peter. Why bother blowing sunshine up your ass when everyone else can see that it's raining?

And if you don't give a shit about what I have to say, well, when it all blows up in your face, don't say I didn't warn you.

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