Sunday September 16, 2012 - 10:14 PM

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Okay, it’s late enough that Sarah should have been home from wherever she was out doing. I mean how much is there to do on a Sunday night in Levack, or even in Sudbury? I didn’t call her cell phone because that would be too intrusive. But I know she has her own private line and voice mail — so it’s not like the message would have to be relayed to her — she could retrieve the message from her machine directly.

So she should have gotten the message I left today by now. When I called her place yesterday all I did was leave a message telling her that I was thinking about her. Pretty stupid, I know. But today, I left another message asking her to call me when she got home.

Of course, I’m a fool to think that she would actually phone me back.

Foolish, stupid, idiotic.

But I can’t help myself.

I think I’ll go try calling her again.


Rainy said...

You don't know what she's doing yet. Don't freak out until you know more. She could have gone away for a few days. After all, you said she's not in school any more right?

Kim said...

Don’t panic. The more you call, even though you have the most innocent of intentions, the more freaked out she may get.

Trust me, I know from experience.

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