Monday, October 1, 2012 - 10:14 PM

79 13 0

I’ve sat here for the past few days and thought about Rainy. A lot. I also went back and read his blog archives, looked at all of the really cool photographs that he'd taken. He was a pretty talented photographer and a funny guy. Strange, but funny in that way certain adults have.

I spent a lot of time getting to know him. I figured if I was responsible for his death, the least I could do was get to know him a bit.

But it doesn't make sense. How could I possibly have killed someone that I didn't even know; that I haven't even met? That suggests to me that it has to be a coincidence. A freaky, twisted coincidence. Either that, or my dream about his death was trying to tell me something.

I haven't been able to dismiss the thought that I kept dreaming about this Rainy guy hanging out in front of Sarah's window. It's as if my dreams were trying to tell me something — perhaps about Sarah.

I've called and called and called.

Still no luck hearing back from Sarah.

I’m planning on heading out and visiting her place again tonight. I know that Rainy would be rolling in his grave to learn that I plan on doing that again.

But I've simply got to figure out what has happened to her, and I'm sure that the only way I'll get an answer is to resume my post at her basement window and keep waiting for her.

I, DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora