Meeting the boys

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Loud voices woke me up from my dreamless sleep. I stretched my back while deeply inhaling. I got up and left the room, listening to the voices downstairs. The house was much bigger than I remembered. There were probably three people, Bobby's friends I supposed. I quietly walked down the stairs and wanted to enter the room but I stopped. They were talking about me. I didn't want to be rude but I couldn't help but listen te their conversation.
"C'mon dude! Just tell us how old she is!" One of the guys said.
"I told you, I don't know!" That was Bobby.
"I bet she's 21." The other guy said, he sounded a lot less interested in me than the first guy. He was probably a few years older. That's when I decided to walk around the corner. "I am indeed 21 years old." I said as I walked up to them. They were sitting round the dining table, Bobby was facing me but the other two had to turn around to look at me, they both had wild blond hair. "Blue! I'm so sorry, I didn't hear you coming downstairs." He said as he stood up. "It's fine." I smiled at him as I sat down next to him. One of the guys in front of me cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows at Bobby. "Uh, Blue, these are my friends and band mates Rikki and Bret. Rikki plays the drums and Bret does vocals." He said as he pointed at them. The one on the left, Rikki, stuck out his hand to me. I shook it and turned to Bret who was a little bit distracted by my appearance. "Can I get you something to eat? A sandwich... or maybe some pancakes?" Bobby asked while standing up again. "Pancakes?!" Bret shot up from his fantasies and immediately focused on Bobby who chuckled and left the room. That's when I heard a car, I looked outside and saw a black Cadillac pull up on the driveway. A blond guy stepped out of it and walked over to the front door, ringing the doorbell. "Guys, that must be C.C. can one of you open the door for him. "It's your turn." Rikki said to Bret. "No I did it last time." Bret crossed his arms and leaned back. "Dude, C.C. is waiting." "Then you go." "No you." "No you." "Guys please!" Bobby popped his head around the corner and raised his eyebrows. "Bret you go." He said as he went back to the pancakes. "But I did it last time!" He exclaimed as Rikki started laughing. Bret stood up and slapped Rikki on the back of his head, to which he responded with a punch in Bret's side. As they started to fight the doorbell rang again and I stood up. I walked over to the door and opened it. The guy, I think his name was C.C., looked very surprised when he saw me. His surprised expression quickly made place for a grin as he started to talk. "Well hello there, pretty." He said as I let him in. "You're C.C. right?" I asked as I closed the door behind him. "C.C. DeVille." He bowed before me and took my hand. "It's a pleasure meeting you..." He looked at me with his blue eyes. "Uh, Blue." I said as he placed a small kiss on my hand. "C.C. DeVille as in Cadillac Coupe DeVille?" I asked. He gasped. "How'd you know?" He smirked as he let go of my hand. "Well you were driving one." We both looked up as we heard a scream. I went back to the room and saw Rikki holding his bloody nose while Bret had a smug smile on his face. "For fucks sake." C.C. shook his head as he walked up behind me. I heard a disappointed sigh and saw Bobby standing in the doorway to the kitchen. I grabbed a handful of tissue papers and walked over to Rikki. "Let me see." I held the tissues under his nose as he removed his hand. It wasn't broken but it was bleeding pretty bad. "Just squeeze it for the next 20 minutes and you'll be fine." He did what I told him to do as he sat back on the chair. "Do you have a wet towel for me?" I asked Bobby. He nodded and went back into the kitchen. "You know pretty well what to do." C.C. sat down at the head of the table. "Yup, I studied at the Oregon Health and Science University." "So you're a nurse?" Bobby asked as he came back, handing me the wet towel. "No, I dropped out." I replied as I started to clean Rikki's face and his free hand. "Why? Nursing pays pretty good right?" C.C. said as he leaned back and put his feet on the table. "Personal reasons." "Keep your head down." I added when Rikki held his head back. He looked at me for a second before bending over a little. I sat back down while Bobby came back from the kitchen, giving me a plate with a few pancakes. I thanked him and started eating. The guys talked a little and when I was done there was only one pancake left. I looked up and saw Bret looking at me with a hopeful shimmer in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and pushed the plate towards him. "Yeah!" He smiled like a little kid and pushed the pancake in his mouth. "So what are you up to today?" C.C. asked as he took his feet off the table. "Well I was planning on going to Target to get some furniture." I said as I brushed my hair with my fingers. "Can we help you with that?" Bobby asked. "Sure." I agreed. "I'll get changed and then we can go." I stood up and went back to my house. I changed into some denim shorts and a loose white shirt. I grabbed my wallet and headed back to the guys. I made sure that Rikki's nose was alright and told them what I needed.

After we got everything we went to my house and carried it all inside. I still needed to paint the place so we just dropped everything in the middle of the living room. It had taken all day and the boys insisted on taking me to their favorite restaurant. We talked a lot and I found out that they all lived next to me but they had a party last night so they were out all night. After we all finished our food we went back to their place. I decided to stay there for one more night because I was too tired to build up my bed.

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