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A loud thump woke me up, I turned around and saw Bobby sitting on the floor with his pants only halfway up. "What are you doing?" I asked as I wrapped the sheets around my naked body. "Well I tried to put these on but I guess I washed them too hot." He said as he took them off. I chuckled as I grabbed the grey sweatshirt and boxers I wore yesterday. I walked over to Bobby and put on the black skinny jeans. "Perfect!" He smiled while he watched me as I tucked the shirt in the pants. "You can keep them." He said as he walked over to his closet, putting on another pair of black skinny jeans. I walked over to him as he searched for a shirt to wear. "Thanks." I wrapped my arms around his waist and let my fingers run up and down his soft abs. "Sorry 'bout that." I chuckled as I touched the bruise in the shape of a bite mark on his shoulder. "Don't worry, it's my own fault.. well not really a fault but, you know what I mean." He said while promptly putting on a white blouse, struggling with the buttons. "Here, let me help." I chuckled and started buttoning as he let out a sigh. Only three buttons were left when he stopped me. "Thank you." He kissed my cheek and walked over to the door. "I'm going to the bathroom, you can go downstairs for breakfast." I nodded as response and followed him out of the room. I went downstairs and to the kitchen where C.C. and Rikki were eating cereal. They both stared at me as I said good morning and started opening cabinets in search for a bowl. When they didn't respond I turned around to look at them. They were both smirking at me, I rolled my eyes and opened another cabinet, finally finding a bowl. I made some cereal too, grabbed a spoon and sat down next to C.C.. "And?" Rikki asked as he raised his eyebrows. I looked at them. "And what?" I asked as I started eating. "Tell us what happened." C.C. said as he wiped his white hair from his face. "I ain't telling you that." I looked from C.C. to Rikki and back. "But girls always tell their friends." Rikki said. "Yeah, their girl friends." I chuckled and took another bite from my cereal. "Oh honey, we can be girls too." Rikki made a duck face and C.C. made some girly movements with his hands. I laughed and shook my head. "C'mon, we don't know anything about his sex life." C.C. said as he poked me in my side. "And you won't!" Bobby walked into the kitchen and smacked C.C.'s head, making Rikki and me laugh. "Where's Bret?" He asked, making himself a sandwich. "He's already at the studio because he wanted to meet up with some girls this afternoon." Rikki said as he stood up and put his empty bowl in the sink. He sat back down and Bobby sat down next to him, opposite of me. "You still gotta tell us." C.C. started poking me again. "Fuck off." I raised my fist and he backed up a little. "I'd watch out if I were you, she bites." Bobby said and I kicked his legs. Meanwhile Rikki and C.C. were almost dying of laughing and I asked myself if I'd try to save them if they did.

We pulled up at Enigma Studios and stepped out of the car. We went inside and ran into Bret, he informed us that he was done recording and left. We took the stairs to the fourth floor and walked over to one of the rooms in the hallway. There were three people in the studio and they were all busy with pressing buttons and writing things down. "So those are Ric, Jim and Michael, they are the producers and do the editing and stuff." Bobby said and greeted the men, introducing me. I shook their hands and sat down at a table. "Okay.. Rikki, you're up first." Jim said and Rikki followed him. "So do you guys already have an album cover?" I asked as I watched Rikki as he sat down behind his drums. He noticed and spun his drumstick in his hand as he winked at me. I rolled my eyes and listened to Bobby's answer. "Yes we do, but we're still not sure about the logo." He said as he walked over to a desk, grabbing a two pieces of paper. He gave them to me and I chuckled when I saw the cover, it had four pictures of each of the guys, all dressed up with make up. "Rikki wasn't kidding." I said as I looked at the other one. It had three different Poison logos on it. "I think this one is the best... but it's not quite right." I said as I pointed at the bottom one. "Yeah, we all prefer that one." C.C. said as he leaned back and propped his feet on the table. "Wait, can I draw on this?" I asked. Bobby nodded and gave me a pencil as he sat down next to me. I thought for a second and started drawing, giving the P, the S and the N a little tail. "That's it." C.C. nodded and I looked at Bobby. He nodded and took the paper to Michael and asked if he could edit the cover with this logo. "Don't you have to ask Bret?" I asked as Bobby sat back down. "Nah, he doesn't care about the logo." He crossed his arms and looked at Rikki who was just playing his drums. After a little while Rikki was done and Jim called Bobby over to record him. C.C. moved a seat closer to me and Rikki hopped on the table right next to me. "Oh no.." I glared at them but they only smirked at me. "Why are you guys like this?" I sighed and crossed my arms. "Well, he never takes a girl to our house." Rikki said. "And this is also the first time he has hickeys." C.C. added. "We started to think he was a virgin." Rikki laughed. "Oh he wasn't." I chuckled and they both raised their eyebrows. "Bret said that you were just talking." C.C. propped his feet on the table again. "Yeah, we were playing truth or dare." I said, picking my nails. "Uh oh." C.C. gave Rikki a look. "I hope he didn't dare you to sleep with him." Rikki said as he leaned back. "No he didn't, but he did dare me to stay for the night." I said as I looked at Bobby. "And then?" C.C. took his feet off the table and turned his chair a little. "Then he dared me to kiss him." "And you did?" Rikki asked. "Well yeah, but then you idiots interrupted us." I crossed my arms. "We should play truth or dare sometime." Rikki winked at me and softly kicked my knee. "In your dreams." I said as Bobby walked over to us. "C.C. you're up." Ric motioned him to come over. Rikki followed him and listened while C.C. played. "I bet they interrogated you?" Bobby asked as he sat down on the table where Rikki sat. "Yup, I told them every single detail." I teased. "No you didn't." He said as he put his foot on the armrest of my chair. I chuckled and looked at C.C.. "Can I listen too?" I asked as I stood up. "Yeah sure." Bobby walked over to the others and handed me a pair of headphones. C.C. smiled at me as he played a killer guitar riff.

"That was amazing." I said as C.C. walked over to us. He flashed me a smile and a wink as he walked past me. We said goodbye to the producers and went back to the car. Bobby sat behind the wheel and Rikki sat down next to him, as C.C. and I got in the back. "Oh Blue, do you still need groceries?" Bobby said as he slowed down a little. "Yes, Walmart is over there right?" I said while looking at the right side of the road. "Yup." He said as he pulled up at the parking lot. We went in and got everything I needed plus a few bottles of liquor. We loaded everything in the car and drove back home. The boys helped me with bringing the groceries inside, I thanked them watched them as they walked back to their house. I spent the rest of the day painting and wasn't surprised when I heard the doorbell at 6 pm. "Hey, we're gonna get pizza, wanna join?" Rikki asked as he made a vague gesture to Bobby and C.C. who were standing at the end of my driveway, waving. "I actually don't feel quite well, but you guys can get pizza and eat here if you'd like?" I said as I waved back. "Yeah sure, see ya in a bit." He said as he gently caressed my shoulder. I smiled and closed the door when he walked away. I quickly changed from my painting clothes to a comfy shirt and pants. I went downstairs to the kitchen and washed the paint off my hands. I made some cup-a-soup and while I was doing that the doorbell rang again. I let the guys in and went to the kitchen to get my soup. "You okay?" Bobby asked as he laid his hand on my lower back. "Yeah... I'm probably just having a cold." I said as we walked over to the dining table. We had a nice dinner and I laughed as the guys made silly jokes. "So what's up with Bret?" I asked as I put my cup down on the table. "He's a bit stressed out lately, y'know because of the album." Rikki said as he played with a burnt piece of pizza. "He's afraid that people won't like it." C.C. added. "Well I like it, when are you gonna release it?" I asked. "2nd of August." Bobby replied as he stretched his back. "I'll be the first to buy one." I said, determined. "Oh no, we're going to give you one." Rikki said. "We'll even sign it for you." Bobby smiled as he leaned back in his chair. I chuckled softly and yawned. "Alright you should get some sleep now." Bobby said as he got up and collected the empty pizza boxes. I nodded, let them out and went straight to bed.

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