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C.C.'s POV.

"Come on, pick up." I mumbled as I listened to the peeps of the hospital phone. This was the fifth time I called to our house in a course of 2 hours. "Rikki Rockett." I let out a sigh as I heard Rikki's voice. "I've been trying to reach you guys for hours!" I said, trying to keep my voice down. "Well we just got home, where are you anyway?" He asked as I heard Bobby stumble in the background. "I'm at the hospital..." I didn't really know what to say. "What? Why?" His voice had a skeptical tone. "It's Blue, she.." I started as the memories flashed through my head again. "C.C. stop messing with me, it's not funny." Now he sounded annoyed. "I'm not messing with you, she had a heart attack.." I said, pressing my head against the wall. "If you're fucking with me you're dead!" Rikki said as he hung up. I sighed and put the horn back on the hook. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around. "Sir? Your girlfriend woke up, she's in room 208." The nurse standing in front of me pointed at a door not far from me. "Oh, um, she's not my, uh... thanks." I felt my face turn red and just turned around to walk over to room 208.

Blue's POV.

I was staring at the wall in front of me and wondered if everything was just a dream. That was until C.C. entered the room. "Hey." He mumbled as he sat down on the bed. "What happened? You're blushing." I asked with a smirk. "No I'm not! It's just hot in here." He looked at the floor. "Did a hot nurse ask you out or something?" I grinned as I pinched his cheek. "Argh! Stop that!" He laughed as he slapped my hand away. We looked at each other for a few seconds and he eventually looked away. "Did... you have a heart attack because of me?" He asked as he fumbled with the sheets. "What! No, of course not!" I sighed and moved closer to him, laying my hand on his cheek. I made him look me in my eyes and pulled him into a hug. "It's genetic, my mom had it too." I said as I pulled away. "Had? Did she get cured?" He asked and I saw a small sparkle of hope in his eyes. I sighed and looked down. "No." I showed him a sad smile and managed to keep my tears in. "Oh.. I'm so sorry to hear that." He sighed and hugged me. This hug was different from the one I gave him, it was warm and... loving, I guess? "So where are the others?" I asked as he let go of me. "They're on their way." C.C. said as he looked at the window. I chuckled and softly kicked him with my knee. "What?" He smiled and looked at me as I leaned back. "You're a dreamer, like me." I tilted my head a little. "Maybe." He chuckled and looked at the window again. Out of nowhere the door slammed open as Bobby walked through it, followed by Rikki who apologized to the people in the hallway before he closed the door behind him. "Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me!" He said as he walked up to me. "Sorry." I shrugged as he came standing next to me. "Hey C, sorry 'bout earlier." Rikki said as he slapped C.C. on the shoulder. "So what happened?" He said as he leaned against the bed.

I told them what happened and when I was done they both nodded. "That sounds pretty bad." Rikki took a step back and leaned against the wall. "Are you in pain?" Bobby asked as he sat down in a chair next to me. "Nope." I held up my hand with the IV and shrugged. "No way!" Rikki was bent over, looking at the little sign with my name and information. "Your last name is White?" He chuckled softly. "Really? Blue White?" C.C. asked. "Yep." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Blue Jane White, 21 years old, medical record: broken wrist three times, same spot. What'd you do?" Rikki laughed. "Fell off the monkey bars when I was 7, again when I was 11 and I fell off a motorcycle when I was 17." I explained. "Can you ride?" Bobby asked. "Clearly not." C.C. chuckled. "Hey!" I kicked him and laughed. "No, my then-boyfriend was driving and there was a speed bump which he didn't see." I answered Bobby. He nodded and leaned back in his chair. Then someone knocked on the door and opened it, it was a doctor. "Gentlemen, can I have a moment alone with my patient?" She asked as she walked in. "Sure, we'll go and get some food." Rikki said as they walked out. "So I'm going to give you heparin as blood thinner. Do you know how to use that?" She asked as she sat down in the chair. "Yeah I remember the drill." I said as she wrote down a prescription. "Good. Could you show me?" She pulled out an empty syringe and vail. I did what I've seen my mom do so many times and handed them back when I was done. "Great, I'm just going to ask you a few more questions and then I'll leave you alone." She stated and I nodded. "Alright, do you live alone?" I nodded and she wrote something down in her notebook. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I shook my head and she continued. "Do you do any kind of exercise?" She asked. "Yes, I dance every now and then." "Okay.. do you know the risk factors?" She wrote something down again and looked up at me. "Smoking, drinking, fast food, , diabetes, high blood pressure, genetics, physical inactivity, obesity, being older than 65 and uhm.. stress." I listed. She nodded and gave me two notes, one with the heparin prescription and one with some advice. "I suggest you get a roommate or someone to keep you company by night. Do you know your neighbors well?" She asked. I nodded. "I advise you to give them a copy of the key to your house so they can always come to help you." She said. "Just avoid the risk factors and take your medication. If you ever feel a heart attack coming up again you should get here as fast as possible and we'll think of another solution that's better than blood thinners." She stood up and I asked her when I could leave the hospital. She told me that I should stay here for the night and that I could go home tomorrow. I thanked her and she left, letting Bobby in on her way out. "Are C.C. and Rikki getting food?" I asked as I moved aside and patted the bed. He nodded as he crawled onto the bed and sat down next to me. "You sure you're okay?" He asked while taking my hand in his. "I'll be fine." I chuckled and looked up at him, he still had slight concern in his eyes. He slowly bent over until our lips almost touched. "Really?" He moved his hand to my cheek. "Yeah.." I whispered as he slowly kissed me. "Please never do something like this again." He caressed my cheek with his thumb. "You know I can't promise you that." I said as he removed his hands from me. "I know." He sighed and looked away. "Hey," I laid my hand in his neck and he looked at me. "I'm gonna be okay, Bobby. As long as I'll take my medication and avoid the risk factors I'll be perfectly fine." He sighed again and I pulled him into a tight hug. "Dinner's here!" Rikki sang as he opened the door. I let go of Bobby and looked at Rikki and C.C. who were both holding pizza boxes. "Guys, I can't eat a lot of pizza anymore." I sighed. "That's why we got this." C.C. said as he handed me a bag with Italian food. I smiled and thanked them both.

After dinner I kinda fell asleep I guess because I woke up to a dark room. A small line of moonlight lit up the room a little and I saw C.C. sleeping in the chair next to my bed an I saw Rikki in the second hospital bed next to me. I looked around for Bobby but realized that he was laying right next to me. I laid back down and pushed my face into his chest. "Good night, Blue." He whispered as he softly pulled me against him. I smiled. "Good night, Bobby."

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