The last day

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Rikki's POV.

"Rikki! Rikki wake up!" Blue's nervous voice woke me up immediately. "Blue? What going on?" I asked. I felt her hands clenching on to my shirt as searched for the light button of the lamp on my nightstand. As soon as I found it I turned it on and looked at Blue. She looked absolutely terrible, her grey shirt was now a few shades darker and her wet, blue hair stuck to her almost white forehead. "Can you call an ambulance?" Her voice was soft and she sounded really tired. "Shit!" I jumped out of bed and ran to the stairs, bumping into Vicki in the hallway.

Vicki and I helped Blue down the stairs and laid her down on the couch. I sat down on the coffee table and impatiently tapped my foot. I suddenly felt a warm hand on my knee and I looked up at Blue. "You're making me nervous." She showed me a small grin and softly squeezed my knee. "I'm gonna be fine Rikki." I managed to get a small smile on my face as I took her hand. "The ambulance is here." Vicki said as she walked over to the front door. I nodded and picked Blue up. "I can walk y'know." She chuckled softly and ended up having a coughing fit. "I'll stay here to tell mom what happened when she wakes up." Vicki said as she closed the door behind us.

The ride to the hospital seemed to take forever. We were almost there when Blue started to curl up in pain as the heart monitor showed how her heartbeat sped up. "What's happening?" I got up but one of the nurses pushed me back onto the small bench. "Sir, I need you to stay calm." She said as the ambulance stopped. They took her outside and quickly rolled her to the hospital. I followed them but got stopped when we reached a pair of doors. "Sir, you're not allowed behind these doors. Please take a seat, we'll let you know what will happen as soon as possible." One of the nurses said as he closed the doors behind him.

I put the horn back on the hook as I let out a frustrated sigh. I dialed the number again and listened to the beeps. "Hello?" Bobby's sleepy voice said. "Bobby? It's me Rikki... uh, can you guys come over?" I looked over at the pair of doors. "Come over? It's 3 am! What's going on Rikki?"
"Blue.. I- I think she has a heart attack. I'm at the hospital right now and... th- they took her away.. I don't know what to do Bobby..." I felt a lump in my throat as I looked at my socks. "Rikki... Just hold on we're coming." He said as he hung up. I did the same and stared at my feet for a while, realizing that I forgot my shoes. "Sir?" A warm hand on my bare arm pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked at the nurse. "We managed to stabilize her, we put her in a coma to let her body rest." She said as she made me sit down in one of the chairs. "What? For how long? Is she gonna make it?" I tried to hold back my tears as she gave me a kind of sad look. "She will live, but not with that heart. We are doing everything we can to find her a donor. It will take some time, hours maybe a day, maybe two. But we'll find her a new heart." She got up, gave me a small sympathetic smile and left through the doors.

I tried to sleep some more, which was pretty hard but eventually I fell into a light sleep. After what felt like 5 seconds I got woken up by the same nurse as before. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 8 am. "Sir?" I looked at her, the spark of sadness I saw before was still there but something had changed. "We found a donor." I let out a sigh as she said that. I felt happy and sad at the same time... someone died so she could live. "Who-" I started. "The family wants to stay anonymous." I nodded in response. "The surgeons are operating right now, this will take approximately four hours. After that she'll be taken to the ICU for two days, then we'll move her to a room where she can recover and where she'll be monitored for infection, and her medication management will begin." She explained. "When can we see her?" That was all I wanted to know. "In two days. You should go home now, sir. Get some rest, you need it." She gave me a small smile. "I think I'll stay here until the surgery is done." I said as I got up. "Her friends will be here soon." She nodded in response and left.

I waited by the entrance for a while until I saw Vicki's car. I told her and the guys everything and we waited together for the nurse to come back. When she did she told us that Blue was going to be fine and that we could see her in two days.

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