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It took me three weeks to heal from everything. Lucky for me there wasn't a day that was boring because the boys came by every single day. Except for Bret he had to go home again because his girlfriend got mad about him leaving so suddenly. A lot happened in those three weeks. We had a lot of fun, secret sleepovers, wheelchair races and listening to a lot of music. The boys repeatedly got kicked out because of that. Also, Rikki dated a nurse for like, a week or so, that was until her boyfriend (which Rikki didn't know about) found out and almost kicked the shit out of him.

After those three weeks I got to go home. We got a special plane with two nurses who monitored me the entire flight. They gave me a long list of instructions and went back home.
We drove back home where I met Brets girlfriend, which was another girl than before.

Two day went by. Two days in which we bought two extra beds for the guest room so the guys could sleep here whenever they wanted.
That morning I was eating breakfast with C.C. and Bobby when Bret and Rikki bursted through the front door. "We got another gig guys!" Bret announced as he sat down next to me. "Where?" Bobby asked, taking a bite from his sandwich. "The Whisky." Rikki smirked as he leaned against the back of my chair. "Anyone else performing?" C.C. asked, leaning back. "Yeah some girl band named Vixen." Bret said as he tried to grab my sandwich. "Don't you fucking dare." I said as I slapped his hand away. "When is it?" Bobby asked. "Tomorrow at 8." Rikki replied as he fixed my hair a little. "We better start rehearsing then." C.C. got up and put his and Bobby's plate in the sink, quickly washed them and came back. "Can I come too?" I asked, finishing my sandwich. "Of course!" Rikki said, fucking up my hair by rubbing his hand on my head. "Wanna come to rehearsal too?" Bret asked and I shook my head. "I want to paint something on the wall of the guest room." I replied. "Alright then, let's get going guys!" Rikki clasped his hands together, they all said goodbye and left.

The next day at The Whisky.

We entered The Whisky half an hour before they had to perform. We sat down at a table and watched the all-female band play. Bret was going to take his girlfriend too but they broke up because she thought he was 'too busy' with the band.
I watched the band play, they were actually quite good. They all had long, fluffy hair, real high heels and they were all very pretty.
When they were done they joined the crowd and sat down at a table. I wished the guys good luck and went to sit at the bar to have a better view. Before they started, Bret pointed at me and smirked. "This is for our special friend Blue over there." I rolled my eyes but smiled as I shot him a bird. Then Rikki counted down and they started playing a song I knew as Look What The Cat Dragged In. They were halfway through their second song when two blondes walked up to me and sat on both sides of me. They were the girls from Vixen, I guessed they were the lead singer and lead guitarist. "You guys were pretty good tonight." I smiled and hoped they heard me over the loud music. They both thanked me and ordered a drink. "My name is Jan and this is Janet." One of the girls said. "Nice to meet you guys, my name is Blue." I said as I took a sip from my diet Coke. "Yeah, we've heard. We noticed that you and those guys are pretty close." Janet said looking over to the stage. "We're neighbors." I shrugged and looked at the guys. "That guitarist is pretty cute, does he have a girl?" Jan asked after taking a sip from her drink. I shook my head and chuckled. "And the bassist?" Janet asked. "They're all single, I could introduce you to them if you'd like?" I chuckled as they both smirked and nodded.

When the guys were done I called Bobby and C.C. over. "You guys were great! I can't wait for the album!" I said and they smiled. "Oh, these are Jan and Janet from Vixen." I turned to the girls and introduced Bobby and C.C. to them. I went over to Rikki and Bret and sat down at their table. "Did you just?" Rikki asked looking at C.C. and Bobby who were talking to the girls. "Yep. I think I'm gonna go, I'm pretty tired. See you guys tomorrow?" I asked as I got up. "Yeah, sure." Bret nodded and took a sip from his beer. "I'll go with you." Rikki said as he got up. While he said bye to Bret I went over to the others. "I'm gonna go now, see you guys at dinner tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah, of course." They said at the same time. I said bye to Jan and Janet and went home with Rikki.

"Do you think they'll start dating those girls?" Rikki asked as we entered my house. "I think C.C. will, he looked pretty interested in Jan." I kicked off my shoes and took off my jacket. "And Bobby?" He asked as he did the same. "I don't know, he looked kinda sad when I left but I think Janet will cheer him up." I went upstairs and to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "You think they'll get laid tonight?" Rikki smirked and looked at me through the mirror. "I hope so, they definitely need it." I chuckled and started brushing my teeth. Rikki did the same and I went to my bedroom to change into some pajamas. When I was done I walked over to the guest room and knocked on the door. Rikki opened the door, wearing only his boxers. I rolled my eyes as I walked past him and jumped on one of the beds. "What? It's hot in here." He smirked and jumped next to me. "Nah-ah, your bed is over there." I said, pointing at the other bed. "Not even a good night kiss?" He showed me a grin and chuckled as I rolled my eyes again. "Fuck off." I softly pushed him, which made him smirk. I squirmed as he tightly wrapped his arms around me and pecked me on my cheek. "You're an idiot." I chuckled as he jumped on his own bed. "And yet you love me." He smiled and winked at me. "Good night, Rikki." I rolled my eyes and turned around. "Good night, Blue."

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