Spending the day with C.C.

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This morning the plumber came to fix my water and after half an hour he was gone. I took a nice hot shower and put on black shorts and a grey KISS shirt, which I tucked into my pants. Then, all of a sudden I felt really bad and ran to the toilet. After 10 minutes of puking I was finally empty and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a sketchbook and a pencil and went to the roof for some fresh air. I sat down and leaned against the wall and just started drawing, cars, houses, clouds. Then I heard an acoustic guitar, I looked around and saw C.C. on the roof of their house. I skipped to a new page and started drawing him, listening to his music. When I was done he stopped and looked up to the sky. I got up and walked over to the edge closest to their house, he noticed me and did the same. "Whatcha doin' up here?" He asked as he sat down on the edge. "Just sketching." I raised my voice a little so he could hear me. "You look a bit pale, are you okay?" He asked, a bit concerned. "Yeah, I just threw up but I feel a bit better now." I shrugged and dangled my legs down the edge of the roof. "Oh, that sucks. I hope you'll feel better soon." He said as he flashed me a cute smile. "Yeah, me too. Are the others downstairs?" I asked as the warm breeze played with my hair. "Um no, Bobby and Rikki are meeting up with a few friends of them who came over from Mechanicsburg and I haven't seen Bret since yesterday." He shrugged and picked one of the snares of his guitar. "I really liked that song you just played, whose is it?" I asked. "I wrote it, but it's just an idea." He shrugged again. "I wish I could play guitar." I sighed softly. "Do you wanna come over? Maybe I can teach you some things." He said as he smiled at me. "I'd love that." I smiled back and stood up. "See you in a bit." I went back downstairs and walked over to their house. I wanted to ring the doorbell but before I reached it the door opened. "What a surprise." C.C. chuckled as he let me in. "So you wanna learn how to play guitar?" He asked as he followed me to the living room. "Yep, just one lesson though, I don't want to bother you." I said as I took off my shoes and put them on the floor next to the couch. "Oh it's not a problem." He looked at me and frowned. "You look pretty bad. Are you sure you're okay? Have you eaten something bad?" He made me sit on the couch and sat down on the coffee table. "I haven't eaten anything since that soup yesterday." I said as I let my fingers run through my hair. "You need to eat something though." He said as he stood up and walked over to the kitchen. "Do you want me to throw up again?" I followed him and sat down at the table. "No, but I don't want you to starve either." He said as he opened the freezer. "Fair enough." I put my feet up my chair and pressed my knees to my chest. "Did you like Rikki's soup?" He asked as he dug through ice cream and pizza. "I loved it, is there some left?" I asked as I peeked past him. "Yeah..." He said as he pulled the leftover soup out. He warmed it up for me and made sure I ate it all. "Thanks, I'm sure I'm gonna feel a lot better." I smiled at him. "C'mon let's go downstairs." He said as he got up. We went to the basement and I sat down on the couch. "Acoustic or electric?" C.C. asked as he looked at his guitars. "Uhm... acoustic, but you gotta play your electric guitar for me too."
He looked at me and chuckled as he grabbed two acoustic guitars. One was black and the other one was dark brown with a lighter brown in the middle. He tuned them, handed me the brown one and sat down in a chair in front of me. He explained how I had to hold it and taught me a few chords. He also taught me the beginning of Still Loving You by Scorpions (which was a lot harder than I thought). "So you want to learn something else?" He smiled and looked at me. "No, my fingers hurt." I chuckled as he took the guitar from me and put them back. He set up his electric guitar and sat down with a grin. "What?" I asked and he pointed at my shirt. Then he started playing a very familiar song, God Of Thunder by KISS. After he was done we talked a bit about bands we liked, we ended up going upstairs to his room. He showed me a huge cabinet filled with records. "Wow.. that's a lot." I said, taking a look at all the different kinds of music. "Yeah, it got a bit out of hand." He chuckled and sat down on his bed. I sat down on the floor and looked through the bottom shelf. I gasped as I pulled an album off the shelf, Midnite Dynamite by Kix. "Dude! I've been looking for this for so long!" I looked at him and saw him looking at me with a smile. "Never thought a girl like you would like this kind of music." He stood up and sat down next to me. "Thanks." I inspected the back of the album and went through the songs. "You can keep that if you'd like." C.C. said as he let his hand run through his hair. "Really!" I looked at him and he nodded. "I think you'll be happier with it than me." He smiled. "You're so sweet!" I kissed him on his cheek while hugging him. He chuckled softly as I let go of him. "Sorry." I blushed a little and looked at him. He had a warm look in his eyes as he leaned forward until he was only inches away from me. He laid his hand on my cheek and softly pressed his lips on mine. It was nothing more than an innocent kiss and that surprised me a little. After a few seconds he let go of me and backed up to look at me. "C.C., I-" I began but I stopped when I felt an uncomfortable kind of pain in my chest. "You don't have to say anything. I know you and Bobby like each other." He looked at the floor. "No, I- I think there's something wrong with my heart." I said as the pain grew a little. "What do you mean?" He narrowed his eye a little and frowned. "It hurts." I said as I got up, holding on to the shelf closest to me. "Oh shit, do I need to take you to the hospital?" He asked as he took my arm and wrapped it around his neck and put his hand on my waist. I nodded and he took me downstairs to the garage.

He drove us to the hospital and I felt the pain fade a little. "You're not going to die are you?" He helped me out of the car. "I hope not." I said as we walked into the hospital. "Thanks that's really comforting." C.C. said as he walked over to the lady behind a desk. He told her what happened and she told him that it was very busy today and sent us to some department on the 2nd floor. C.C. made me sit down in the waiting room and walked over to another lady behind a desk. I listened to their conversation as the pain started to grow again. "Hi, eh, my friend has a problem with her heart, is there a doctor who can help her?" He said as the lady continued writing things down. "It's a very busy day, you'd have to wait. I'll let you know when there's a doctor available." She said without looking up. "But what if she's dying?" He crossed his arms and the lady looked up at him. "C.C. leave her alone. I'm fine, I can wait." I said as I got up. I wanted to walk over to him but before I could take a step a sharp pain shot through my chest, making me fall down on my knees. I heard some cursing and looked up while gripping my chest. C.C. ran over to me and kneeled down in front of me. I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain got worse. After that everything went really fast. There were suddenly a few people in white clothes around me and two of them pulled C.C. away from me. I managed to say "No." as another wave of pain made tears run down my face. Then everything went black.

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