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"Clouded his future is..." mused Yoda "Accept him, we cannot!"

"Master Yoda, you must be mistaken, he is the chosen one, his midichlorin count is over 20,000, he is conceived by the force. He will more of a danger if we do not train him, the dark side will claim and train him to be a dark lord otherwise." Argued Qui Gon. Obi-Wan wore a grave expression on his face, but he remained silent, he knew his opinions would be ignored anyway, for he was a mere padawan after all. Please don't send him back, he will be filled with anger and hatred for the Jedi council if we turn him back. Yoda and Mace Windu seemed to hear his thoughts, even though Obi-wan had enforced his mental shields. "Train him we will not, but send him to agricorps we must." Declared Master Yoda. Mace Windu agreed "Yes this way we can keep an eye on him, but still not train him, a compromise."

"But-" cried out Obi-wan while Qui Gon pursed his lips until they were barely a thin line. "Respect my decision you must, padawan" drawled Mace.

This whole time, Anakin Skywalker stood there in silence, barely containing his emotions. He wanted to scream out, throw his hands on the floor, but he also wanted to prove his worth. He didn't know what he wanted, he just knew that the Jedi didn't want him.

Later that day...

"Anakin, you will have to go to agricorps please forgive me, I wish it didn't have to come to this, but I must let you go." Whispered Qui Gon

Anakin only sat there, with tears bordering his eyes and anger, or was it disappointment filling up his heart. He wouldn't live the life of a farmer or worker again, he would run, run from the order, from slavery and his problems. Yes, he could do it, as long as he could get his hands on a ship.

Trailing after Qui Gon and Obi-Wan, Anakin thought up his escape plan, his tactics as skilful as that of a general.

"I have one request, that you let me explore the inside of a Jedi ship, I heard they have really wizard mechanics," Anakin plastered on his most genuine smile, although his cobalt eyes shimmered with the fire of determination.

"Of course, Anakin, I've heard of your talent for racing and flying." Commented Obi-Wan, thankful for a lighter topic. As they walked through the lavish corridors of the temple, Anakin could feel the burning stares or glares of padawans and younglings. It was almost like Anakin had antlers on his head. Who am I kidding, even if I were accepted, I will always be treated differently, I will always be an outsider. Thought Anakin. The one named Xanatos, who was now a knight, looked condescendingly at Anakin as if Anakin didn't deserve to be trained by his former master Qui Gon. Well, Anakin thought, I don't want to stay in this hell either. That way, the council could get rid of him, and he would be free, from slavery, and the Jedi. On that thought, Anakin knew he would be destined to one day free his mother and all of the slaves in the galaxy.


I know that y'all hate author's notes, so I'll try to keep them to a minimum. I hope you're enjoying the story, and feedback is greatly appreciated. To clear some things up, currently, Anakin is 9 years old and has just been freed. Also, QuiGon wasn't killed in the fight with Maul and Obiwan won't be knighted for a few years. See you soon my fantastic, amazing (insert another adjective) (insert another adjective) (insert another adjective) readers.


Catch me when I fall  {Anakin Skywalker AU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ