interrogation 2.0

68 7 3

Quick recap:


Without a plan, Anakin got up and unsteadily walked to the door. He roamed the hallways until he spotted a jedi knight.

"Oh, hi there, would you mind telling me where Qui Gon is?" asked Anakin.

"Shouldn't you be in the halls of healing?" replied a confused knight.

"Absolutely not."

Alrighty, now we're all up to speed, let's continue.


"Who are you anyway, you're definitely not a padawan or youngling."

"Um, Anakin, now, where's Qui Gon?"

"He's in the council meeting room." Answered Xan.

"Alright, it was nice meeting you, but I've gotta jet." Stated Anakin over his shoulder as he ran towards the council meeting room. He ran until he saw the ceiling length double doors in front of him. Before he could muster the courage to push them open, they opened for him. Thirteen intrigued faces turned towards him.

Qui Gon opened his mouth to speak.

"Shouldn't you be in the halls of healing?"

"That's what he said." Muttered Anakin.

"So, lemme guess, you're all talking about what to do with me, and also, sorry 'bout the explosion, it kinda happens time to time."

"You mean that's happened before?" inquired Mace.

"Yes, it has happened about fifteen times now, it's getting worse. I used to just glow a bit, but now I'm literally exploding." Admitted Anakin.

"Also, could I have my ring back?"

This time, it was Qui Gon's turn to look perplexed.

"What is so special about the ring?"

"Oh you know, it's a family thing, you guys wouldn't know." Replied Anakin.

"And, it does this."

Anakin slid the top part of the steel disk away to reveal a small metal thorn, covered in lethal poison.

A few of the Jedi masters gasped in horror. Anakin quickly closed the lid of the ring and looked to the ground.

"It was necessary." Was all that Anakin said.

"Moving on, we have a question for you, will you agree to become a Jedi if Qui Gon and Obi Wan trains you?"

All of the masters waited in anticipation as they waited for Anakin to speak.

"On two conditions."

"Go on." Replied Windu.

"That you free my mother, and that I get to not cut my hair."

"Why do you value your hair so much, vanity is not the Jedi way." said a rather stern looking Kit Fitso.

"If you had hair you would understand." answered Anakin.

The Jedi masters conversed telepathically while occasionally glancing at Anakin. Some of them still looked suspicious, but Anakin wasn't worried. He had no desire to please the masters. He was only staying because he needed to get that glowing problem under control.

"We'll sort out your glowing problem and then you can start your classes".

"Alright, that's all good and everything, but can I keep the Nubian angel?"

"You mean your ship?" said a confused Plo Koon.

"What else could I possibly mean?"


"I have worked on that ship for three years. It has thousands of upgrades."


"Can I sell her then?"


"What do you want to do with her?"

"Use it for the Jedi."

"You will find her uncooperative."

"What do you mean, it's a ship." asked a confused Mace Windu.

"That has a brain."


"Fine, keep it."

"Thank you."

Anakin and his newly made masters stalked out of the council room. Some would have called it disrespectful, but Anakin called it priorities. He needed to eat and fast.

"I'm ravenous, can we go to a bistro or-"

"We'll go to the cafeteria." Answered Obi wan for him.

Anakin practically ran through the corridors hungry for food.

"You know, we are going to have some serious problems teaching him etiquette and diplomacy." Commented Obi wan.

"Well, I always thought he was more of a shoot first think later sort of person." Qui gon returned, not appreciating Obi wan's constant worrying.


That was a terribly large amount of dialogue. Sorry if that pissed you off...

I dunno what to make the cover about, so I'm open to suggestions.

I gotta bounce, catch ya later!

(I've kinda got a catchphrase now, what do you think?)


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