the murder of a flower pot

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"Wait Anakin, can you show us your lightning?" asked Qui gon who's normally authorative voice was shaky.

"What if I hit you?" Anakin didn't know what to feel, relieved or scared.

"You won't, and I'll put a shield up just in case."

"Alright, what do you want me to hit?"

"How about this flowerpot?" suggested Obi wan.

"Ok, but I mightn't be able to do it."

Anakin stepped into the middle of the room and just stared at the pot. He closed his eyes and waited for that familiar feeling to tug at his insides. His head tilted up to face the sky and he willed it to strike. He felt something nagging at the edge of his conscience and his eyes snapped open. His eyes were the perfect shade of sky blue, and his hair a creamy white. Pure white energy rained down onto the flower pot, one after the other in a continuous stream of deadly electricity. It came down until there was nothing left of the flowerpot to blast. Anakin's eyes closed again, and his small figure crumpled onto the floor.

A celestial figure rose from the clouds. It's face had no identity, it was just a shadow. An echo of the raw power that was captured within it's human body. He stepped forward, his step being absorbed by the clouds.

"The galaxy needs you, do not waste your life and destiny without embracing your true power. I will be there when you are ready, my son."

The figure touched Anakin's face and looked into his eyes until lightning engulfed him and dragged him away from Anakin's wonder filled gaze.

"No, don't go, please, don't go, I have so many questions for you. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? WHERE WERE YOU WHEN SHE DIED?"

Anakin didn't know whether to feel excited, betrayed or abandoned. He was dreaming, it was just another simulation, another father that only existed in the realm of his dreams. Yet it felt so real, Anakin lifted a hand to his face and felt where the calloused skin of this man had brushed against him.

Anakin's body convulsed in his bed almost looking possessed. One hand reached out to the father that was already gone.







Time Skip

"Wake up Anakin, it was just a dream. Wake up!" The frantic voices of the healers woke him from his disturbed state.

"Please don't tell me I broke the windows again." Anakin looked into the concerned faces of the healers and hoped he hadn't damaged any more property.

"There are no windows in this room, but you did make the whole building shake." The healer informed Anakin with a worried and almost scared tone.

"Well I'm alright now, and the temple seems to be intact, so can I go now?" Anakin had to escape the tiny room, and most importantly, he needed to escape sleep.

"Stop right there young man, you have some explaining to do." The steely voice of Mace Windu resonated in the room. Even Obi wan winced at the threatening undertone in his harsh words.

"What did I do?"

"What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO? You used sith lightning, that's what you did!" Mace was livid and couldn't bear the boy's ignorant expression.

"That's just normal, and I didn't hurt anyone, it was just the flower pot. Also, that was not sith lightning, it is just lightning." Anakin didn't know how to prove his alliance with the light side, but he knew that his lightning was not of the dark.

"Cuff him."

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