Chapter 5?

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"For what? So that I can be used as a weapon, to be seen as a threat, to be left out?"

Qui Gon visibly winced, he didn't say anything back, because a part of him thought that what Anakin had said was true, but it was for his own good. Igniting his cobalt blue lightsabre with a slight hiss, he never took his eyes of Anakin. To his surprise, Anakin didn't even flinch, as he pulled out his own weapon, a sword. Qui Gon didn't think that Anakin would resort to such a barbaric weapon, but he knew that there wasn't much choice on a planet like this. "Give up, my lightsabre will just cut your knife, just let me take you to safety, please?" Anakin remained silent as he turned on his shield for his knife and activated the heat. Anakin gave off a small force glow, which made him look more like a child than ever. Qui Gon smiled wistfully at the times when an even smaller Anakin dreamt of being a Jedi. "I will not fight you, for I don't have the heart to do it, but I can't go with you, not now, not ever. And with that, young Anakin Skywalker back flipped off the cliff, with a crooked grin.

Qui-Gon looked over the edge of the cliff, wonder and shock written on his aged face. Anakin seemed to have also learnt the ability to levitate.

"Let's follow him, however be careful, he may already have training from a sith."

Obi-wan nodded and clipped his lightsabre back onto his waist. Without hesitation, both Jedi and padawan learner, leaped off the ledge and into a black abyss.

Landing lightly, they felt a tremor in the force. A suffocating darkness engulfed their force presences.

"This doesn't feel good" stated Obi-wan

"This must be the sith training Anakin."

"don't assume he is on the dark side, have hope." That silenced Obi-wan.

They strode towards the feeling of darkness, following the darkness, like a trail of breadcrumbs. They both heard the snap-hiss of a lightsabre and instantly put their hands on their own lightsabres. Running towards the sound, they heard the voice of a boy and a blood-curdling scream. They entered a cavern and found Anakin with blood dripping down his face. His facial features were contorted in a grimace and his eyes were that of a traumatised animal. The sith wore a dark robe, with yellow seeping in his irises. He was holding twin lightsabres which were a deep shade of mahogany. He raised his lightsaber once again, ready to strike on the boy. Anakin flinched and used his own knife to parry. Miraculously, the lightsabre bounced off. The sith was just toying with Anakin, testing his worth. Anakin delivered a well aimed kick at the sith's abdomen. However, it only seemed to make it's menacing grin widen.

"I've had enough of this."

  And with that, the sith pulled out a blaster, ready to give the chosen one a messy and painful death.


Ooooh.... suspense

Sorry to leave you hanging. Anyways, hope you're enjoying the story. Also, do you think the chapters are too long or short? Thanks for reading, so, until I update again, toodles!

Okay, that was weird... Welp, byeeeeee


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