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Anakin shot through though the sky, leaving a boy sized puff of dust behind him. The only that was more exciting than levitating at 80 miles per hours through the air was a space battle. Strangely, the only time that Anakin felt as if he were free was when he was walking on the line between life and death. He loved adrenaline, and there was nothing better than a life and death situation. Unfortunately, all his daydreams and relief ended when he landed next to his ship. A jedi reinforcement ship was flying towards him. The only thing he could think of to do was to barricade himself inside his ship, as his star fighter's engines were still down.

Soon the ship touched down and several Jedi strode out. Unfortunately for Anakin, the lid of his Starfighter was see through, and the first thing the jedi saw was a blonde headed boy curled up in the pilot's seat. Moments later, Qui Gon and his padawan also levitated up, although Obi wan had some difficulty because of his injury. The jedi quickly opened the hatch in Anakin's fighter using the force.

"Close it." Anakin said through clenched teeth not able to meet the piercing stare of the jedi.

"You need to come with us Anakin, you will be safer."

"I don't need safety, I need freedom." Answered Anakin, while staring off at the distance.

Many of the jedi surrounding the boy were confused by his statement, they weren't going to imprison him, just train him.

Anakin almost laughed in the jedi's stoic faces. He could feel their confusion through the force.

"You can't tell a blind man to see, can you? what difference is being a slave than a jedi?" "You are all slaves of the republic, slaves of your order." Said Anakin, barely able to contain his rage.

"And what's worse, you can't even have emotions, even a slave can have emotions." Anakin almost shouted the last sentence, until he felt a sharp prick on neck and slowly lost consciousness. Anakin gave a look of disgust and betrayal to Qui Gon before slumping onto the controls.

Anakin woke in a cold place. There were white tiles encroaching every corner, and his throat was as dry as Tattooine.

"I see you've woken," came the voice of Qui Gon.

"Let me go now, that wasn't fair at all!" rasped Anakin.

"We saved you from the sith Anakin, we have custody over you now. Don't be afraid, I will be here for you."

"What if I don't want to be here." Replied Anakin.

"there is nowhere else for you to go."

After that Anakin stayed silent and stared down Qui Gon. His intense blue eyes even made Qui Gon uncomfortable.

"How long have I been out?"

"2 weeks."

"what!" exclaimed Anakin.

"We thought it was necessary."

"Necessary is subjective." Retorted Anakin.

Anakin trailed after Qui gon in the empty halls of the jedi temple. He would occasionally get a few weird glances here and there. To be fair, Anakin did look pretty out of place, he was wearing a black t-shirt with ripped jeans (unintentionally ripped of course) and his hair was long and wild. Not only that, his force presence was radiating anger and grief.

"Try not to project your feelings, I'm sure even the younglings can feel your discomfort." Lectured Qui Gon.

"Good, I want them to feel my emotions, give them a taste of what it feels like to have your free will taken away from you." Bit back Anakin.

"Be mindful of your emotions Anakin, Jedi do not hate."

"I'm no jedi, I'm a liar, thief, cheat and now I'm a prisoner."

Qui Gon was really getting tired of these words games and Anakin's attitude. After a minute of silence, they arrived at the council. Obi Wan was already there with his injured leg healed.

They pushed open the doors and immediately felt eyes searing through them, scrutinising there every move.


Good? Bad? Unbelievably terrible?? Please let me know. Thanks for reading.

I gotta bounce, so bye!


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