Jedi life

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The first training session...

Anakin Qui Gon and Obi wan found a training room that was empty and dumped their stuff down.

"What is your preferred form of combat?" asked Qui gon.

"Um, I don't really have one, I fight with my fists and a knife."

"Why do you use a knife?" Qui gon was never a fan of the more barbaric weapons.

"Easy to hide, quick and deadly."

Qui gon tried to hide a look of disgust as he changed the subject.

"Do you want to spar?" Obi wan spoke up, he wouldn't let Qui gon have all the fun.

"Just don't break my bones please."

"Training isn't that harsh, this isn't a gladiator fight you know."

"Alrighty, weapon choosing time." Declared Anakin.

"There is only a training saber."

"Well that's incredibly boring innit?"

Obi wan led Anakin to the mat and threw him a light sabre.

"Can I have another one please." Asked Anakin, while he tested the weight of the lightsabre.

Obi wan threw another one over while looking sceptically at Anakin.

"Do you normally use two blades?"

"Do you normally have an extremely strong and posh Correlian accent or is that just a temporary thing?" asked Anakin.

"Yes of course I always use two blades."

Obi wan looked offended for a moment before getting into his opening stance. Qui Gon was amused, Anakin always had a special way to get under Obi wan's skin.

"Let's begin." Said Obi wan

Anakin activated both of his light sabres and changed his grip so that he was holding it the exact opposite to Obi wan's. Obi wan started to move forward slowly, unsure of how to start.

"Are you going to hit me or not?" taunted Anakin.

With that, Obi wan stepped forward give a head strike. Anakin saw it coming very early, and rolled away, while turning off his light sabres. It was his turn to go on the offensive. While Obi wan still surprised that anakin had turned off his lightsabres, Anakin took his chance and swiftly delivered a well-aimed kick to Obi Wan's midsection. Obi wan stumbled but very quickly regained his balance and tried again to get a blow at Anakin. Every time, Anakin would leap out of the way, almost as if he were dancing. Obi wan swung at Anakin again, but for the first time, Anakin used one of his lightsabres to block. He did this while putting the other one in his pocket.

"You regret using two now don't you?" said Obi Wan.

Anakin said nothing and looked Obi wan straight in the eye while pushing in the deadlock a little harder. His arms burned and although Anakin was very strong for his size, Obi wan had years of training under his belt. Anakin looked down at his shaking arms and slid a finger on the button. Abruptly, the force that Obi wan was pushing against was gone. His eyes widened as he stumbled forward out of control. Anakin sidestepped and quickly grabbed Obi wan's hand.

"Thank you Anakin."

"Don't thank me."

Anakin twisted his arm behind his back, bent his knees and threw Obi wan over his shoulder. He fell in a heap onto the ground and found Anakin fishing something out of his pocket. Anakin ignited the training sabre and pointed it at Obi wan's neck.

"That is why I need two" Said Anakin.

"That hurt." Muttered Obi Wan.

"Did you break anything?


"Then what are you complaining about?"

Qui gon the whole tie watched in awe, the boy fought without any form or style, yet he managed to defeat a Jedi knight in under 5 minutes. He fought like he was in a brutal street fight, yet he dodged and striked expertly.


I love writing witty Anakin. That's all I'm gonna say.

Hope you enjoyed, also, please give feedback, I'm desperate.

Gotta jet, catch ya later.


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