Back in hell

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Not now, please no. Thought Anakin, as he lost control of the speeder. It plummeted down towards the incredibly hard ground with Anakin in tow. Yoda and Mace watched helplessly for a split second before following. Anakin grabbed the steering wheel and pulled. The speeder pulled up ever so slowly. Anakin felt waves of nausea threatening to drown him. With the last of his strength, he flew the speeder to the ground. The engines spluttered in protest until it burst into flames. Everything hurt yet all felt numb. All he could see was light. Blinding white light. Stumbling out of the scorching hot speeder, he collapsed against a dumpster. The agony intensified if it were even possible. Anakin opened his mouth in a silent scream. He was now glowing like a beacon. The force was a furious typhoon with Anakin at its centre. Yoda ran to him with Mace at his tiny green heels. Anakin's eyes opened, and to the jedi masters' surprise and horror, they were pure white.

"Run" was all that Anakin could force out, before his toes lifted off the ground.

With his hand outstretched, Anakin looked almost like an angel, except for the evident fear etched into his face. The light froze. The streams of white were caged in. After an impossibly long second, the light escaped. A deadly blast was sent towards Mace and Yoda. Mace stretched a hand out in a futile attempt to stop the explosion. An invisible hand threw him upwards, as if he were a ragdoll. He felt the heat lick at his feet while he shot upwards. Windu looked feverentely around and found Yoda already beside a now unconscious Anakin. His blonde curls were singed, and his face had a thick layer of blood soot and sweat on it.

"In a healing trance he is." Stated Yoda.

"Saved us he did."

Then it clicked, the invisible hand that pulled him out of danger was Anakin.

Yoda stretched out a hand and levitated Anakin into his speeder. He glanced back for a moment and took in the level of destruction that Anakin had unleashed. Long claws of black were etched into the walls, a complete contrast to the brilliant brightness that was there a minute ago.

Back in the temple...

Anakin felt something nagging at the edge of his conscience. Whispering at him to do something, telling him to wake. He groggily open his eyes and stared at the ceiling while waiting for his eyes to focus. Stark white tiles reminiscent of a hospital encroached every inch of the room. Anakin bolted

up like a jack in a box. Where was he? The events of the last day came flooding into his head. He was stuck again in the hellhole named the Jedi temple. They will probably want to keep him prisoner after the explosion incident. He ripped the drip out of his hand and ignored the scarlet liquid that dripped down his hand. Anakin looked down, and saw that he was wearing a white hospital gown. Great thought Anakin, I now will stand out like a Gundark in a nest of Nexus. Anakin swung his legs over the side of the bed and searched the room for his clothes. After finding nothing, Anakin instinctively felt for his ring on his index finger. All he touched was his skin, his hand lacked the familiar heaviness. Without a plan, Anakin got up and unsteadily walked to the door. He roamed the hallways until he spotted a jedi knight.

"Oh, hi there, would you mind telling me where Qui Gon is?" asked Anakin.

"Shouldn't you be in the halls of healing?" replied a confused knight.

"Absolutely not."


Just realised that my profile pic is a cow, welp, I'll just keep it there cause it cracks me up.

Hope you're enjoying and please give some feedback.

Gotta jet, catch ya later!


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