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He fired. The bullet zipped through the air, and Anakin dove to the left. Waiting for the searing pain in his shoulder, he braced himself. However, all the bolt did was splash off his skin harmless.

"excellent energy absorption skills" commented the sith.

Anakin felt the power of the bolt flowing through his skin, they raged like boiling water, begging to be let out. So he did. A blazing white beam emitted from his chest and seared into the sith's skin but with no avail. It only made the sith's yellow pupils become a shade darker. This was when Qui Gon knew it was time to step in.

With a hiss of the lightsabre, Qui Gon stepped in, with an emerald glow to his face. Soon Obi Wan was also ready in a defensive stance. The sith's attention was immediately diverted to the new company. He almpst seemed to enjoy the interference.

"Ahh, Jedi scum, get ready to die." Spat the sith, before plunging into battle.

Qui Gon tried to tire out his opponent by simply parrying all his attacks, however, the sith seemed to have an endless stamina. Going for a new approach, he changed his grip and went on the offensive. He aimed a kick at his head, then quickly swept his leg at the sith's feet. However, the sith anticipated his moves and blocked easily. Once obi wan found an opening, he joined in trying to take the sith by surprise. Obi wan grit his teeth as he struggled to keep up with the extreme speed of the battle. Another strike that was going for his head was for the third time parried by his master. They desperately needed an advantage in the fight. Anakin, with a hand at his injured head, and his good hand gripping the hilt of his weapon, flung the knife towards the sith. The sith was too engaged in the battle with the two jedi to notice the lethal blow coming towards his abdomen. At the last second, the sith moved to left, however, he was not quick enough. The knife pierced his hand and made one of his lightsabres fall onto the ground. The sith was however, determined to win. With even one hand, the jedi found it hard to keep cut down the sith. Once again, the two jedi were surprised by Anakin's abilities. Where had he learnt to throw a knife like that? Qui Gon continued to hold off the sith while Obi wan called for backup.

"Calling the jedi order, you little cowards, too afraid of a fair fight?" snarled the sith.

"Then I won't stay either." The sith may have been extremely powerful and well trained, however he knew his limits and knew that the wouldn't stand a chance with if master Yoda would come. The sith whipped around and gave a forced enhanced blow to Obi Wan. Obi wan tried to block, but he had not expected such a powerful hit. The red lightsabre cut into his thigh, burning and lacerating, causing the most excruciating pain that Obi wan had ever felt. With that, the sith ran into the labyrinth of tunnels inside the side of a cliff. Anakin watched all of this wide eyed, he stood there unable to move while listening to the moans of pain coming from Obi Wan. Qui Gon commanding but gentle voice reverberated off the walls of the cavern. "Anakin, you must come with us."

Anakin considered his options, if he left, two of his favourite jedi would have nearly killed themselves for nothing, but if he joined the jedi, they would be afraid of him and he would have no freedom. He remembered his mother, he was out here not to enjoy his freedom but to make enough money to buy his mother's freedom. If he joined the jedi order, his promise to avenge all the slaves on tattooine would be forgotten. Nimbly, he ran out of the cavern and through the winding tunnels dug into the side of the cliff. He heard Qui Gon's desperate voice, demanding that he return with him. That only drove him further until he was sprinting. The cool rush of after rain air greeted him as he finally escaped the caverns. Still grasping his knife, he calmed his mind and prepared to levitate back onto his ship. His mind was too unfocused, and his emotions were swirling in his head, threatening to drown him.


What a long chapter... WOOOOOO!

741 words, that may not sound like much, but for a hyper and unfocused me, that is a great feat.

I hope you enjoyed!!

I gotta jet, so bye!


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